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We can't stop here, it's pig country.


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First game between my Lilith crew and a new player (though veteran of other games) who got my arcanists in trade.

I took


2x terror tots

2x young nephs

1x adult neph

and 2SS remaining out of 30

He took


Brass arachnid

3 gamins

3 arachnids

December acolyte

My mission was Claim jump, with Bodyguard and hold out as side objectives

He had Slaughter, and chose getting into my deployment zone and Ramos surviving as side.

Standard deployment, a smattering of buildings evenly across a 3x3 board.

I deployed a semi-staggered line, he went for the center of the line with a box formation and the acolyte deployed in the same edge as I did, but 12" away.

We also flipped for special encounter in the Badlands. We god forested first, but we though it boring so re-flipped...with the Stampede.

Anyway, on the first turn not much happened. Second turn, the first pigs arrived, nicely trampling the enemy as he moved most of his force towards my objective. lilith cast Transposition with a young neph and the acolyte, and gave companion to another. WHich proceeded to cut up the man, already bleeding from camping out in the middle of an animal trail. Got one Blood Token, the only one availible from this list of Ramos.

My second young neph proceeded to flank the enemy behind a hill, avoiding Ramos's electric blasts prudently.

One terror tot moved too far up, got cut by Ramos spell without managing to trigger Brood (as I said, too far). The rest of the turn was uneventful, with both of us moving models forward and sideways a bit.

Turn 3, no pigs arrive, he moves to the left of the center hill to avoid severe terrain, but his spiders transform into the swarm. They're wounded from the livestock, so my brave adult neph charges them, and...gets a bloody black joker on +flip for damage. Melee expert hurts the swarm a bit, but not much. He then shoots my poor neph with all the gamins who use focused strike. One hits and wounds him a bit, but another hits the swarm and destroys them completely by accident.

My Lilith moves to the young neph, feeds him some blood porrige made from soulstones (we checked it now, it's illegal, so I guess I cheated a bit :P) and moves to the center from the right board edge. Ramos in the meantime blasted the winged creature, now looking mighty silly on the top of the hill surrounded by scraps of brass and iron with his electricity.

The young neph eats his porrige and grows nicely into a big bad bea..well, winged critter that moves a bit too. the remaining tot runs away from the evil gamins now looming on the horizon (hoping to deny my enemy his objective of killing all my minions if Lilith fell)

Turn four, no pigs again, but my opponent gains initiative. Bad judgement on my part left me with Lilith standing in the middle of nowhere all by herself, so he casts three electric fires into her, messing her hair and a lot more as she's down to 5 wounds suddenly, then casts companion on gamin, gamin moves to 2" of Lilith, and then the brass-chnid stokes the oldster, which promptly detonates the gamin straight into her face, and zaps her twice more with fire. Lilith, even munching soulstones, dies there.

I continue to skulk around with the one remaingin young neph, creeping closer to the objective. I charge the gamin with big nephy, miss by inch, buffet wings to push them aside. The gamins charge me, but do no damage. I move the tot to the side of one gamin, and run out of actions.

Turn Five, the Pigs are back. Running like crazy, they trample my young neph, my adult neph, the gamins, the spider which Ramos created last turn(and didn't do anything with it), Ramos himsel and his arachnid totem. I start, buffet wings on large neph to clear airspace for a move, and then attack ramos, alreaady down to 6W from piggies.

I hit, he lets me wound him, Ramos is down to 2 Wounds (he didn't want to use SS). Ending my activation, I await reprisal. To cut story long, one gamin explodes to kill the terror tot and wound both my neph and ramos, he tries to kill me with CC, manages to get me to 1W and that's it, even with re-stoke and usage of his last SS. My young neph moves out from his hiding to ensure he can claim the objective, but stays as far away from Ramos as possible in doing this

Turn six. Not content with last turn's frolics, the DAMN PIGS RETURN AGAIN! Apparently nephilim taste better than gremlins! With a facepalm that broke the speed of sound, we take off the board: Ramos, his totem, adult nephilim, and leave spider at one wound, gamin at two and young neph at 3. He wins initiative,charges neph, but I had a great hand, so he misses. I try to hit his spider, miss, he Evades, I charge him to ensure it does not explode in my model's face next turn. Gamin shoots and misses me, he's on the terrain, so he contests my objective.

Turn seven.

The pigs are not back this time (I just remebered, and I'd be down to 1 wound so my model would die of shatter, which it did not)

I charge and turn the gamin into shredded snow.

I win by the skin of my teeth, gaining 4VPs to enemy's 0 in the very end, but...let's be honest, the true winners of the game are the pigs, having killed more SoulStones than either of us.

I gained some more insight as to how the list should run, but most of all, I learned that mobile pork is the most dreaded creature of all malifaux :D.

*please note some details might have been different, as I'm writing this from memory, so if numbers add up wierd it's my fault, not some mistake in the actual battle*

Edited by Poko
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