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My first Malifaux Minis!


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First of all, I noticed some of the preliminary pics of my Ramos crew in this thread, the links are broken now. But, you can follow the link above to the full thread for my Ramos crew, and those are finished photos anyways, so that's better.

Anyways.....I finished up Alyce and two Steampunk Abominations to use along with Ramos' crew.







EDIT: Next up....Raspy's crew! Got them all finished, just need to get the photos together. Will probably post them in their own thread, as I really feel they turned out nice and need to be shown on their own. :)

Edited by LoboStele
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  • 3 weeks later...

Ugh...I need to do some updates!

I finished my Doves, so need to post those. Built some SWEET Ice Pillars (with LEDs! They glow BLUE :D ), so need to post those.

And I just picked up Levi's box set this weekend, thanks to an Auction/Sale thing at the LGS which basically allowed me to get Levi....for free! Assembled and base coated them last night, so will try to post up some WIP soon.

Also, been working on some counters. Finshed up a Treasure Counter and a Scrap counter last night, and started on some Corpse Counters. :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Here are my Lilitu and Lelu. I actually finished these up about 2-3 months ago. Hadn't taken photos yet as my Dreamer crew has taken a bit of a back seat to the other crews I was more actively playing. I still haven't decided yet if I want to add any sort of wash to these pieces. I'm thinking Lelu still needs something to make his muscles stand out. I kind of like the little bit more cartoony look of them at the moment though.

(Click for bigger pics ;) )



Edited by LoboStele
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  • 2 months later...

Hey, lookie there....I do update this thread....every....3 months...LOL

Got some Necropunks finished to go along with my Levi crew. Figured I'd put them here since they are more generic figures though...Levi and his ilk are just about finished. Will give them their own thread though. :)

I know these are a bit dark, but I really like how they turned out. Decided to go with the Zerg-like purple. :)

As always, click the pictures to view larger sized photos.







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