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Undead! ... bases


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One thing I suuuuuck at is basing, which is why I really appreciate Wyrd's pre-made drop in bases. Brilliant. I'll eventually end up with most if not all of the Resurrectionist range. That's just how I roll. The way I see it, every base type with the exception of Bayou would fit, thematically. I'm having trouble deciding how to approach that issue.

McMourning and his lackeys would look ace on Sewer bases. The fluff tells of Resurrectionists being forced into the sewers to travel to the Quarantined ares of The City, especially McMourning. Mmm. Fluffy.

Seamus' crew, I totally see them on the Victorian bases. Whether it's Seamus himself stalking the streets or his Belles
the streets, it just fits in my mind.

Nicodem. Undertaker. Mindless Zombies. Graveyard. Pretty self explanatory, really.

So, what do you think? Would it look odd to mix three kinds of bases? On display, I would arrange the individual crews to match the bases ... McMourning, Sebastian, the Canine Remains, at least one Flesh Constructs, etc. on Sewers and whatnot. But in actual gameplay, I'll be mixing and matching. Belles would be a fixture in most McMourning lists, for instance. The Belle on a Victorian street corner, McMourning in the sewer.

Bottom line, I hope to pair each individual mini with an appropriate base in a vacuum, resulting in a look that matches both the fluff and theme of the model standing alone (and with obvious members of their crew). Will a unified paint job be enough to overcome the variety of bases? I'm honestly not certain. Any opinions would be appreciated, especially before I drop a big chunk of change on several base packs.

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I don't think there's any problem with doing different themed bases for the same army. I have a group of Neverborn that are all on different types of bases. I have my group on cobblestones, a group of Nephilim on cracked earth, some cemetary-style outdoor bases, and a few summoning circles. I think they all look pretty sweet. In short, pull together the ones you think would work for the particular models. Use uniform colors to draw the models together. You should be fine that way.

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I think it is a good idea; each of my crews (even within faction) will get bases themed around the master I intend to run them with.

I just feel that the narrative element of Malifaux is such that I don't want to run the Steamborg with Rasputina for example, so it will go on a non-snowy base like Ramos (as I would definitely run it with him). It's just fluffier that way, and it helps all my crews feel more different to each other if they don't overlap too many models.

On a similar note though, if I felt that a Steamborg would work well with Rasputina, I might look at proxying something else that would fit her better thematically but would still represent a Steamborg well.

Little off topic there at the end, I know, but there you have it!

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In short, pull together the ones you think would work for the particular models. Use uniform colors to draw the models together. You should be fine that way.

Thanks for the insight, wrabbit! Glad to hear your experience has been positive. I'm coming from a WHFB background where every model is based to form a cohesive army. The thought of mixing and matching bases is a bit sacrilegious.

I think it is a good idea; each of my crews (even within faction) will get bases themed around the master I intend to run them with.

On a similar note though, if I felt that a Steamborg would work well with Rasputina, I might look at proxying something else that would fit her better thematically but would still represent a Steamborg well.

You've struck on my main point of contention. With the Resurrectionists, at least, there will be a TON of overlap. The Belles are very specific to Seamus in terms of fluff, but they work too damn well with other Masters (especially McM). There will be a lot of mixing and matching between crews. Even so, I can't bring myself to put a Belle on a sewer base ... it just doesn't feel right. I'm not a fan of proxying unless a model really offends my sensibilities, though I admire your dedication to the theme of your individual crews.

Then I have models like Crooked Men and Hanged, they aren't crew specific. I'll simply have to decide what looks best with each mini on a model to model basis, or have one model on each base type (I could see doing that for the Crooked).

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completing a thought
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Most of the time the bases won't match the game boards you're playing on anyway, so I wouldn't worry about contrasting bases styles. The most important thing is that the base works with the individual models and makes them look as good as possible. It can be nice to tie a crew together, but it isn't essential by any means.

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In my opinion basing is pretty important. I prefer to try and base particular crews to a specific theme in order to unify them. But then you get models that you intend to mix and match with different crews. As you've said, non-specific models - Just base them on what looks good.

To a certain degree your painting style and pallet will help to unify all of your figures.

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Yeah, unless you're dealing with standard green flock on a standard green gaming mat, chances are bases and terrain won't match (barring a board you've built specifically to suit the theme of your army/crew).

Basing is hugely important, I agree. Hence the thread! Your opinions are appreciated.

Certain models will likely find their way into almost every list, regardless of Master. Punk Zombies for example. Thankfully, there are three to a pack. I'll likely base each on a different insert. One in the sewer, one in the graveyard, one on the Victoria cobblestone. The Crooked, same deal. Hanged will have to be more discerning as there are only two to choose from. Victorian and graveyard feels right (moreso than sewer). At least one Flesh Construct in the sewer. I might mix it up after that, putting a second next to a tombstone or stalking the street. Hard to say!

Actually, it'll be fun mixing and matching. Which dynamic pose looks best on which insert? Wee!

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Have you considered trying resin base inserts? There are a few good companises that do them. Best examples I can think of are back 2 base-ix and iron halo.

I myself have orderder form both companies and there cheap, get them out to you quickly and look great.

as an example here are some mechanica bases which I plan on using for my Seamus crew


All come in 50mm. 40mm and 30mm sizes. You also get a few different kinds. Check out there site and back 2 base ix site for cool examples

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Have you considered trying resin base inserts? There are a few good companises that do them. Best examples I can think of are back 2 base-ix and iron halo.

Thanks for the linkage. I've already ordered a bunch of Wyrd inserts, though not nearly enough for all 23 of the minis I'm in the process of assembling and basing (1 of each 30mm 5 pack sewer/graveyard/Victorian and a 40mm sewer). If I can find something that isn't too far removed from the look and theme of the Wyrd stuff, I'd certainly consider other inserts if only for the sake of variety. Cheers.

EDIT: Ohhh. I like these, for instance. And the forest inserts are money, if not a little Bayou-ish. I'm starting to think the multi-purpose models that will flip flop between crews need their own basing scheme. Dungeon floor, dirt, wooden planks, something neutral that won't look crazy out of place alongside the more detailed and theme-specific Wyrd inserts.

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In regards to different base themes on the same crew, I agree that bases can be differently themed between figs, but I find that if there is some element the unifies the whole crew it helps, like a unifying color that is on all the bases, or a certain type of flock that makes it's way onto all the bases.

With that said, my personal preference is to keep a unified theme on my crew. I like the Wyrd inserts a lot, but I recently used cobblestone full casted bases (not inserts) from War Cast Studios for my Neverborn. They are a new company with not too much variety yet, but seem to be releasing new stuff at a regular pace.

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Well, I'm a big fan of variety. I don't like repetition if I can avoid it. What I'm now thinking of doing is using the Wyrd bases for the core units in each crew, the models that will almost certainly be included; such as Nicodem w/ Mortimer and his Mindless Zombies = the 5 graveyard bases. The entire Seamus box would look spanking on the Victorian inserts.

Beyond that, I'll likely put the non-specific models on a neutral base. Something that fits alongside all three of the Wyrd base packs and won't otherwise be too repetitive. Something like a dirt base with static grass or plain dungeon stonework. I'm afraid dirt w/ grass will look too graveyard-ish, so I'm leaning toward the Dungeon Stone from Back2Base-ix. Stylistically, I think it looks good alongside the Wyrd stuff. I totally dig the Iron Halo Keep base, but it really doesn't mesh as well with the Wyrd bases.

Those Kerr & King dockside bases are gorgeous. I might sit on those until I find a new Master worthy of their own basing scheme.

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Yeah, they are close. I really like the level of detail on the Dragon Forge, though. It fits well with the look and feel of Malifaux. Not too busy or hyper-realistic like the Ironhalo Keep, not overly cartoonish like the Base-ix Dungeon Stone. Hmm. I'd have to side with the Base-ix stuff if I were forced to choose. Malifaux does lean toward cartoon moreso than realism, obviously.

EDIT: I honestly hope the guys at Wyrd don't mind us discussing third party basing options on their forum. If this is bad form, please let me know. Sorry I didn't consider it sooner ...

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The dragon forge Square Cut Slate tiles are very similar, they're just in a different paint job. They are different enough that they may not be quite what you are after though. Those Armorcast broken tile bases for McMournings crew are so awesome!!!!


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May have found a winner. Got lucky and stumbled across Fenris Games on eBay. They have a selection of nice flagstone in 30/40/50mm. Trading messages with a rep to clarify a few things, fingers crossed.

Chazza, cheers for the suggestion!

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Thanks, good to know.

I've actually changed my tune, somewhat. I've flip flopped and now plan to base all of my Rezers on the flagstone, regardless of crew. In my mind each proper faction needs their own basing style (with one notable exception, see below) ... I thought I could ignore my sensibilities, but apparently not.

So I now have 15 30mm Wyrd bases and a couple 40mm inserts of varying styles en route, somewhere over the Atlantic. What to do? I think I'll use them for my Outcasts. The very nature of the faction suggests rag tag, and having all of my potential Outcasts on a wide variety of bases sits just fine with me. It's nice, actually. It'll differentiate the mercenaries from the main crew and give me a chance to paint something other than flagstone. I don't have 17 Outcasts to base, nor will I any time soon ... but that's fine. I'm happy to support Wyrd, and the bases will be here if and when I need them.

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because typos are unakceptible
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Late to the party, but...

Take a look at Micro Art Studios too - very artistic bases, although some of their styles are so busy I have no idea how you'd actually put a model on them. I'd recommend ordering from a site in the US rather than direct, however, I had HORRIBLE service from them.

For the moment I'm trying to be consistent within faction for my basing - doing Arcanists on slate, and cobblestone/Victorian for Neverborn. Got some good arcane-style ones for my Guild, and I decided to use the Dragon Forge trench bases for my Resurrectionists - the planks have a western town look that I thought worked well for Seamus and his brothel-recruiting ways :)

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Man I love those Dragon Forge trench bases. I actually have them earmarked for Guild should I ever make a foray into that particular faction. They are far and away the best "wood plank" bases, in my opinion.

Found some really nice industrial stuff should I ever dabble in Arcanist. Neverborn, with them being the natural predators of Malifaux I tend to see them on outdoor bases. There's an excellent "forest trail" set of resin bases I'd be inclined to purchase (can't recall which company produces them), very similar to the Wyrd Bayou stuff but less swampy.

My Outcasts will be a total mixed bag.

I've settled on consistent basing within each faction (Outcasts are the exception). I enjoy the idea of basing individual crews separately, but I'm far more comfortable with a faction-wide theme.

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Neverborn, with them being the natural predators of Malifaux I tend to see them on outdoor bases.

I think the Neverborn are the toughest to keep a unified faction basing scheme, because I think each crew has a particular territory. Forest-stuff works for Lilith and her crew, Zoraida just screams for swamps. Pandora I see as the terror of the city proper, those creepy not-quite-right figures you see at night.

I'm actually planning to do Teddy with a lamp post behind him on the cobblestones, with a REALLY strong object-source light to leave his front completely dark except for the eyes and teeth. The perfect "Wouldn't want to meet this in a dark alley" :)

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