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New guy from Middle TN


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My name is Danny, 30 years old, and just discovered this game a few days ago. I've watched a few YouTube videos and am really interested in getting into this game. Hopefully I can find a few players in my area, but I do plan next month to get to crew boxes, two decks, and the rulebook so I can pimp this game at the local shop. The big question I have right now is this: Are there two crew boxes that I can get now that will work together to form a bigger group later on down the road?

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I was looking at Neverborn and the Legion of Sorrow & Lillith's Brood sets. Or the Red Chapel Gang and McMourning. How would either of these two sets be for a beginner? Would they also be good for teaching the game? Maybe that is a better question. What two sets would be the best for learning then demoing the game? If possible is there two from the same faction that would be good for this?

Edited by asmodai650
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If I was suggesting crew's specifically just for learning that were from the same faction, it would have to be Perdita's Gunslingers and Lady Justice's crew.

As you didn't mention guild however and throwing my little bias into the suggestion I would say McMourning and Seamus would be fine. McMourning was my first master and is still my favourite.

I haven't won with him but that is because I am a terrible player and nothing to do with ease of use...

(In saying that I also bought the Legion of Sorrow's and Lilith's brood are on the way, there are too many cool mini's in this game)

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Greetings. I'm about an hour and a half south of you in Huntsville, Alabama. I'm also trying to get a couple of boxes that I can use to learn the rules and demo painted, but I ended up going with Seamus and Lady Justice.

One thing to remember is that unless you are in a larger game you can only use one master (though the henchpeople from one box can be used with the other box if they are the same faction)

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Welcome to the forums. I'm about 4 or 5 hours east of you. I started off with Seamus and McMourning, but have collected many more.

If you like Lilith, I would recommend her. She has pretty good potential as a starting player's crew, and enough subtleties that you can grow with her as well. Stay clear of Pandora, Somer, and Leveticus until you get a feel for the game. They can all take a little getting used to.

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Greetings. I'm about an hour and a half south of you in Huntsville, Alabama. I'm also trying to get a couple of boxes that I can use to learn the rules and demo painted, but I ended up going with Seamus and Lady Justice.

Are you one of the H.A.A.W.G.S? I usually play in Murfreesboro at Grand Adventures (they run the battle for stones river tourney). Now that I have looked at all of the boxed sets, I'm trying to get a "good vs evil" type of setup. I know one faction or another may not be completely good or evil, but I want it to look that way for demos, etc. I am thinking of going with the Death Marshals crew and either Nicodem's crew or the Miners & Steamfitters crew.

@Chaos: Are you in the Knoxville area or closer to Chattanooga?

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Thought i would just reply to this one as I am also a new player and I play at the same store at the OP, though I do not know that we have met. I just picked up the Ortegas box set today. I think some of us are going to try to get together and learn this game. I know today when the figs and decks came in, Chris couldn't get them on the shelves before people were buying them. Looking forward to this game and meeting you, Danny.

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@ Saul: Hey, I was there last night! I walked in and there was Malifaux stuff on the counter!!! I felt bad because I had already placed an order with another company, but grateful that its being played at the shop! I was the guy playing 40K with the Ultramarine Deathwing terminator army on the next to last table.

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