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new to malifaux and arcanists


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my local gaming store just started carrying mailifaux and I couldn't resist getting my hands on it. I got the marcus box because I am a sucker for cats with 3 heads so I liked the cerberus. I am thinking about getting some hoarcats and molemen in the near future.

any advice on how to use these models would really help me out because I am not sure if I'm doing anything right.

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First of all, from that box you've bought, marcus is the least impressive of the models, so don't hestate to get him killed if you need, he really is one of the weakest masters there is so no point in sheltering him(I've been thinking otherwise, but a bunch more games led me to believe he's completely out of reedeeming qualities compared to the rest of the masters). Your real strenght lies in the big cat and the serpent, the Silurids are also mighty fine when paired or even in three. Basically the army is themed around fast movement to avoid the enemy until you're in position to charge him-almost all the units can move very fast, and strike very hard in combat. The hoarcats and moles are a bit wierd as they're slower than the rest, but they could work in used in larger numbers I think.

Still not sure what to think of Myranda, She could be used to transform into any of the beasts but she lacks their spells, and she's doubling up Marcus with the healign spell, and just as mediocre in CC in her own form.

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Yeah, he can do that...except it robs him of all his 2x0 actions and without Wild Heart his a really crappy fighter. He has one supporting spell, which is healing that Myranda can do just as well (not to mention it relies on having the right suit, as it needs ram in addition to tome). As far as I am concerned, he's got a ton of semi-useful or extremely situational powers, one very reliable spell, and his main "thing" is that I can take the silurids in my army thanks to him, and they're very good units.

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Yeah, he can do that...except it robs him of all his 2x0 actions and without Wild Heart his a really crappy fighter. He has one supporting spell, which is healing that Myranda can do just as well (not to mention it relies on having the right suit, as it needs ram in addition to tome). As far as I am concerned, he's got a ton of semi-useful or extremely situational powers, one very reliable spell, and his main "thing" is that I can take the silurids in my army thanks to him, and they're very good units.

Don't forget that he has a :pulse8 that gives all friendly beasts +3 WP while reducing all other models WP by 3. Situational maybe but definitely useful. Have Marcus use Pack Leader to Companion to Myranda, Move up to a group of enemies, then Howl with him, and Roar with her (have a Cerberus already in position so she can use it).

Also, for your two 0-cost actions you can use Wild Heart (cheating it with a low tome to get 3 effects and trigger Surge), take either Tiger or Serpent (whichever is appropriate), use the other two effects to turn him into a combat monster (Bear and Eagle), then take your 0-cost attack (from Tiger or Serpent) to turn enemy into a beast. Then use Alpha to activate the guy you just smacked.

Edited by dreadpiratelynx
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