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Samurai Punk Zombies!

The Butcher

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The models should come with stat cards.

Its worth checking out the Nicodem box set, he comes with three from memory and Mortimer goes well with any Master.

Ressurectionist Masters often don't have big hitters like Punk Zombies (particularly Seamus and his Belles) so regardless of the crew you end up using you'll probably want Punk Zombies.

McMourning can do without them by spamming Canine Remains and Flesh Constructs and himself but even then a Punk Zombie wouldn't hurt.

Nicodem is particularly good for them as he has Bolster Undead which makes them even more dangerous.

Its also well worth grabbing the rulebook as it has the stats for everything...not to mention its a banging read.

I actually own two so I can get my mates hooked while still playing :)

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