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NBR.DEC 25ss Lady Justice vs Ramos


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Here is the third part of my story, it didn't start out as a series but hey, I'm having a good time writing them and I hope people are enjoying reading them. We played this game last night, so it's still fresh.

Her body itched with the need for action, she could alsmost feel the enemy moving closer. But the Judge was right of course, they needed caution. Lady Justice could feel the Judge's calmness, along with the sardonic grin of their death marshall and her faithful totem.

Sonnia's witchling stalkers were another matter though, the magic that created them hung about them like a shroud, slightly confusing her senses, not painful, but not entirely comfortable.

The witchlings were explaining what they had seen, and where this journal that Sonnia wanted so bad was hidden. They had also seen the criminal Dr Ramos, along with some of his constructs and also, strangely some ice creatures and a pack of large wild cats.

As they spread out through the mining town the hissing and clanking betrayed the presence of thier enemies. She heard shots fired as one of the witchlings had appeared from the forest and was shooting at something, that something soon revealed itself, as a giant Steamborg burst from some ruins and slashed at the witchling, blood sprayed, but the it still stood against the monster.

"You hold the rest!" The Lady yelled. As her totem balanced her fate, she ran towards the melee, she was already unslinging her long sword, unleashing a graceful stroke that severed one of the constructs legs. It's scream of pain sounding almost human.

As the other witchling burst from the trees to slash at the steamborg as well, the Lady could hear the sounds of battle from the other side of the small settlement.

The death marshall climbed to the roof of the hotel, shouting down to the Judge "Better get that weapon of yours ready boss, we got company!" A gamin rounded the corner, and the Judge turned it's head to ice cubes with an accurate shot from his Long Arm pistol.

Two steampunk spiders and another gamin approached the hotel and the Marshall decided to take the fight to them, leaping from his perch he brought one down with two swift blows from his peacebringer. Looking up he saw the Judge chopping the last gamin to pieces. It all seemed to be going quite well.

The steamborg lunged clumsily at Lady Justice, in one swift fluid motion she doged, stepped in close, and hacked the human body from the construct, decapitating the falling body before it hit the ground. as the borg collapsed in a heap she was engulfed in arcane flame as the witchlings released their magical energy in their death throes. The next thing she knew, she was being swamped by a pack of large mountain cats.

As she chopped them into pieces with her greatsword she felt another large release of magical energy, and knew that the criminal Ramos had revealed himself.

The Judge was screaming with pain as Ramos blasted him with electricity, as he fell he snapped of a shot, and smiled bitterly as he heard Ramos's cry of pain. The last thing he heard was an explosion and the death marshalls death cry. Then the darkness took him.

Lady Justice cried out when she felt the Judge fall, finishing off the last of the cats she advanced towards Ramos. She could feel his gaze on her, the cold indifference of his logical mind was clear to her senses. Swiftly moving towards him, she fired her pistols before dropping them, drawing her sword and leaping past him. With an attack too fast to be seen she landed on the other side of Ramos, as his body fell, cleanly cut in two, she knew it was just a decoy. Torn between concern for her Judge, and finding the criminal, her heart won the fight.

The Judge woke to the relief that his Lady was alive, and helping to carry him to their rendevous point on the main road back to Malifaux city. With a cough he stood uneasily on his own, before muttering" It'll take more than some petty criminal to finish me. "Did we find it?" A quiet "Yes" was all she said.

As they waited for their carriage back to the city they didn't speak, they both wondered what this thing was that Sonnia wanted so badly, and wondered if this journal held what she needed. They both had their own ideas about all of that too.

Righto, this was a 25ss game, played on a 3'x3' board with a town kind of vibe, a couple of small ruins, a few buildings, a tall tower, a few fences and hedges, some rock formations and a big forest down one edge, one day I'll take some pics of one of these. We got corners deployment with my self getting the first turn.

I had: Lady Justice, the Scales of Justice, the Judge, one death marshall and two witchling stalkers.

My strategy was Recon and I took Hold out and Bodyguard (Lady J) both announced for my schemes.

My friend had: Ramos, a steambor executioner, a hoarcat pride and two gamin.

His strategy was also Recon, and he took Hold out an eye for an eye both unannounced.

Turn 1:

Guild won initiative

The witchlings ran north throught the forest on the eastern side of the board, while everyone else headed NW over some fences toward the centre of the board.

The borg and cats headed SE towards the centre, while the gamin went S between some buildings, Ramos salvaged a scrap copunter and made a spider that moved in behind the gamin.

Turn 2:

Guild won initiative

The Judge and death marshall took cover next to a two story bulding overlooking the west side of the board, facing the ruins in the middle of the board. Lady J moved ahead of them closer to the centre, but still out of sight if the gamin come out of cover. The two witchlings kept moving N through the forest.

The gamin both moved out of cover and statued in the open, Ramos salvaged and made another spider, which advanced with the one made last turn. The borg moved up to the ruin in the centre of the board with the cats close behind, neither could be seen by the Judge or death marshall.

Turn 3:

Guild won initiative

One of the witchlings moved to the edge of the forest and shot at the steamborg, but a poor flip, and me not wanting to use a high card this early in the turn, meant he missed.

The borg then moved twice and used melee expert to hit the witchling for 5 dmg. My friend thought he would be out of charge range even though I said how far it was when I shot, no one ever listens to me :(

Lady J then companioned her totem, which cast tip the scales on her, she then moved twice, and hit the borg for 5 dmg.

The cats then moved towards this melee but couldn't quite reach the witchling.

The second witchling then moved out ouf the forest and hit the borg, getting a good trigger off and leaving it on 1 wd.

One gamin walked over to the centre abd tried to hit the Judge with his icy blast, but a flip of the black joker meant it missed.

The judge then blasted the gamin in the centre with his long arm and managed to kill it.

The second gamin then moved over to where the first had been killed and managed to wound the Judge with it's icy blast.

The death marshall then climbed to the roof of the building next to him and moved over to cover where the arcanists were coming from.

Ramos moved towards the centre and tried to cast electrical creation but couldn't get it off.

The two spiders moved in close to the building the death marshall was standing on.

Turn 4:

M&SU won initiative

The borg uses its melee expert to hit the unwounded witchling for 5 dmg, then flurries at Lady J. I flip poorly for the Df but then cheat in the 13 :masks and burn a stone to make sure he can't beat me and chop the borg up with my riposte.

I then made a mistake, I activated the scales of justice instead of trying to kill the cats, the totem got combat prowess off with a well timed cheat, granting the Judge and the death marshall melee expert, it then moved a bit further away from the action.

Now the cats activated, killed the witchling in melee with it, which exploded, which wounded the cats and killed the other witchling, which exploded and wounded Lady J, who was then charged by the cats! The cats failed to hit her but I didn't have :masks to cheat in to get riposte off. If I had of kept those witchlings alive I could have had a bigger winning margin, oh well, we all make mistakes.

The death marshall charged the two spiders and managed to kill one, gotta love melee expert.

The spider then hit the death marshall for a few wounds.

The Judge charged the gamin and again thanks to melee expert, killed it on the charge, we unfortunatly forgot about the gamin exploding when they die, although it didn't make that big a difference in the end.

Ramos moved closer and hit the Judge with electrical fire taking him down to 1 Wd, then made a spider that was put into melee range of the death marshall.

Lady J then chopped the kitties to bits, moved closer to Ramos and took a wound off him with her pistols, armour 2 is quite nice, well nice for the person who's got it anyway.

The summoned spider then latched onto the Judge and killed him, his slow to die triggered and he then attacked the spider but flipped the red joker followed by the black joker, so after we stopped laughing I removed the judge.

Turn 5:

M&SU won initiative

Ramos summoned a spider, then cast controlled detonation on it, which killed the the death marshall who then killed the last spider. Ramos then tried to hit Lady J with electrical fire but missed.

Lady J moved twice and cut Ramos down.


Guild 4 - M&SU 2

We figured that he got eye for an eye of as our crews were within 1, as I had only had Lady J, the totem doesn't count for this right?


For me it would have to be Lady J, it seemed like anything that got into melee range of her just wasn't there anymore at the end of her activation, combined with riposte killing the borg, she won me the game I feel, although if I hadn't of had the 13 :masks I think I would have lost the game as the borg would probably have chopped her top bits.

For my friend, I guess Ramos, he's still getting the hang of the game and this was his first game with him so he's only gonna get better.

Thanks for reading.

Edited by perplexiti
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