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Nightmare before christmas.....

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A Treasure Hunt that walks maybe?

The player that NOT have the closest model moves him his Wk (4?) at start closing unless he is in b2b, then he "Links".

Maybe some additional rules. He is scared of enemies. At any time someone is making a ranged attack within 12'' he moves straight away from that model.

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A Treasure Hunt that walks maybe?

The player that NOT have the closest model moves him his Wk (4?) at start closing unless he is in b2b, then he "Links".

Maybe some additional rules. He is scared of enemies. At any time someone is making a ranged attack within 12'' he moves straight away from that model.

Or he could be shortsighted and scared of strangers. :D He has 6" los. He runs away from every model but insignificant and harmless ones... This way He wouldn't activate but would move once every time a model gets within range (directly away from the model), but only after that model's turn has ended.

When in b2b contact with Sandy Claws a model may perform the action (1)Capture: performing model and Sandy Claws receives: (-1)Linked. Sandy can be linked to up to 3 friendly models at a time (all have to perform Capture). Linked models have to stay in b2b contact with Sandy. All Linked models activate in the same time as one. A model loses (-1)Linked if gets in melee. While Linked Sandy is controlled by the player controlling the other Linked model(s). IF Linked ends due to melee and no other model is linked to it, Sandy moves twice directly away from the melee (but only after the interrupting model's activation has ended). If an enemy model performs (1)Capture (without getting in melee) on a Linked Sandy then this model has to make a Wp duel with the Linked enemy model (cannot be avoided due to talents, effects, etc; in case of multiple linked models only the model with the highest Wp makes the duel, adding +1 to Wp for every friendly Linked model). Winning model keeps Linked. Sandy keeps Linked. Losing model(s) falls on it's arse and receives paralized til the end of the turn. Linked models may move out from B2B contact from Sandy and lose Linked before the rest of the group activates.

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