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Malifaux Table blog


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I designed a bunch of layouts in illustrator, printed them out and cut them up as stencils, cut out the walls out of black foamcore. the wood paneling was made from cut up popsicle sticks and glued on, I then added trims made from balsa wood. Put some masking tape in the windows and other openings to protect the exposed foam from the spray later on.

The roof and back door is made from plasticard, since it's going to be painted like old rusted metal.

The roof itself is removable, but I'm also making a floor out of more wood glued onto left over laminate floor boards... so the building will fit on snuggly but we can remove it and see tables etc..

Hapotte, you should be able to see these at Fandom in the new year.[url=http://wyrd-games.net/forum/member.php?u=2809]

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There's a new sheriff in town.

The Sheriff's office is now build, with iron bars on the windows, removable roof (like the others). The floor plan for this one will actually have the walls of the jail, with the doors broken open. I'm also going to be making tiny little wanted posters.

The WIP pics are posted on my blog http://www.steamfrost.net

Once that was complete, I started on the next building, which is just an other small shop. (no pics yet)

The stencil for the brothel is done. Once I've completed the small shop, I'll start assembling it so my Rotten Belles have a place to call home

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Third building is done, and got up a bit earlier this morning and had a chance to stain the 3 buildings, once I get home from work, I'll take some pics and post them.

Also to note, when I got home last night, I was pleasantly surprised by a package waiting for me. Opened it up and it contained my Sonnia Criid box and my Death Marshals. :)

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An other weekend is over and an other building is approaching completion in my little mining town of Malifaux.

The Grand Central Hotel is mostly assembled and the denizens of Malifaux are gathering to see what the hoopla is.

I’ve added a balcony (which needs to be completed) to help with different levels for the games… windows from all sides.

As with all the buildings I’m making, you can remove the building from the base and use the floor plan.


I’ve also started work on some tents… made from a plasticard base, metal paper clip frame and canvas as the tarp.


More pics and bigger pics are available on my blog http://steamfrost.com

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