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Hamelin themed crew ideas?


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Hamelin seems to have one of the more unique abilities in the game with Piper's Lure. I'm curious what people think would be the best way to compliment this ability. I thought using characters with fear might be good. Another idea would be to use Lure. I suppose Obey could be a resource as well. Any ideas on lists that would feature Hamelin for his Piper's Lure?

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My initial thoughts on him would be to add him to a Seamus crew with Belles. You could place the belles near the board edges and lure them. On top of that, Seamus has Terrifying, which could be very useful in sending the enemies near the edge of the board.

Then I got to thinking about other options. I wondered if using models that could Push opponents as side effects to other abilities might be a good method. It would make it so I'm not relying solely on Hamelin to kill stuff at the board edges.

Then I thought about Hamelin's ability to add any Ht 1 model to his crew and looked at those options. I saw the Gremlins and their ability to give themselves Terrifying. That is a very affordable option for producing some Terrifying models.

Anyway, still no solid list ideas. I understand that in building the list, I should not focus solely on Hamelin's unique ability as my prime killing condition. Thats why other options that would compliment it would be nice.

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Yeah tang I ran this last night didn't go to bed till around 3am the primordial magic totem is pretty key to having extra big cards to play when your targets resist. Then it perpetuates it's self as you draw 2 everytime you bounce a model off the table it gives you a better hand to try it a secondand third time.

I definitely like the Lillith transposition idea. Luckily, my fiance already has Lillith, so I'll be able to just use a couple extra models to try out the idea.

Its a great way to have 1 crew played 2 completely different ways. Buy the Lillith crew as is and use it as a fast beatdown crew. Buy Hamelin and a few select other models to fill in some gaps and all of a sudden you have a more control-style crew.

Edited by thetang22
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