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Our First Battle!


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Chock full of beginners' mistakes to avoid for anyone else just starting out.

Lady Justice and the Death Marshals for me against my opponent who had taken Seamus and his band of undead bad girls.

I got 'pick my own strategy' and took 'assasinate', thinking I should be able to take out Seamus somewhat easily (mistake). He pulled 'claim jump' and picked an abandoned building in the somewhat near his deployment area.

We played on 2/3 of our normal Warhammer table, so it was roughly 4'x4'... too big for a 25 soulstone fight. I spent the first 2 turns just trying to get to him, he just occupied the building and waited on my arrival.

As I approached though, the fun began (well, mostly for him, but I enjoyed watching it happen...)

Seamus plugged one of my death marshals from a window in the building. His ladies lured The Judge in close to the building and then jumped him. The Companion rule had Sybelle and 3 ladies brutalizing the Judge before he even had a chance to move. It included one Belle crashing through a groundstory window that she had lured him from... good fun.

Meanwhile, Lady Justice had been making her way around to the back of the building where she would have a clear path to Seamus, especially since the ladies were now occupied with the rest of my crew.

Finally, Lady J climbed up to confront Seamus... he promptly jumped out the window. Falling rules were applied, we added 1 AP to move and leap through a window... no specific rules seemed to apply, so we just made it up.

On the ground floor, the ladies finished ripping up my crew and re-entered the building. A missed parasol attack was answered with a hard-hitting Riposte from the Lady... all he had left was Seamus, Sybelle and 1 Belle... no problem for the lady in red, right?

Trying to get a shot at Lady J, Seamus left himself open and she charged him. Two hits from her greatsword, he went from 12 to 6 to 0... but wait... "Hard to Kill"... what's that rule... crap. 12 to 6 to 1... Seamus promptly cast his spell that does damage and heals himself (don't remember the name). Next round initiative... the bad guys go first.

I won't go in to the tragic details... Lady Justice fought noblely and was laid to rest that day.


Great game. We found the mechanics simple, the complication was more trying to remember what our crews could do, but the more we play, we should be able to have that all in our heads.

We decided it helped us to think of it almost like an RPG instead of our normal wargaming. Which, of course, the RPG paradigm helped us decide things like "ok, what if Seamus leaps through the second story window... what's a mutually agreeable solution..."

Forgot some of the abilities (like Fear not Death, which would have given my whole crew +2 WP against WP duels). I also split up my Crew which was probably a mistake. At least a mistake to not back up some of the weaker crew with Lady Justice.

Arggg... I'll get you next time Seamus!!

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Finally, Lady J climbed up to confront Seamus... he promptly jumped out the window. Falling rules were applied, we added 1 AP to move and leap through a window... no specific rules seemed to apply, so we just made it up.

Hey, clever!

Forgot some of the abilities (like Fear not Death, which would have given my whole crew +2 WP against WP duels).

Oh, yes, that will help out next time.

Either way, sounds like you're ready for round two!

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