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What to buy?


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It depends a little on what you're looking to do. You said you have necro punks and McM's box.

Are you looking for a little ranged for your army ?

Convict gunslinger could be a good choice for a relatively cheap alternative (6 stones for a res force), and provides some good shooting with some good denial. Definitely a decent investment if you're seeking ranged.

Hans may be a decent investment, but he's pricey at 9 stones for Res'ers, and his long, long range could make token collection a bit difficult, so he might not be ideal - though he's good for dealing with a host of different opponents, and softening up bigger threats on approach. He's also incredibly defensible.

In the Res line, Zombie punks offer good melee for relatively cheap. They are fairly durable with 6 wounds and hard to wound 1 and slow to die. Slow to die and their melee ability makes them an enormous melee threat. You also can't ignore self mutilate. While their casting ability isn't exactly stellar, it's not abhorrently bad, and is a great direct damage tool against low defense targets.

Belle's are nifty. Relatively cheap, with two different attacks and Rot, one which is great against weenies due to high accuracy, and another that is good against heavier targets because of higher damage. Really the draw of belles is an obscenely high casting value when casting Lure, which can really mess with an opponent's position, increase your threat, and generally screw with the game. Distract and undres are also excellent spells for denial / anti-buff purposes.

Mortimer seems like overkill for your list seeing as you have sebastion already. He's good, but i don't think you need both in a list, personally.

You could always go with another flesh construct to have on hand for summoning purposes as well.

The rest of the choices are pretty SS pricey. Hamelin at 10 is really pricey, but MAN can he mess with threat ranges and does board control like you read about. Killjoy is a melee beater that as long as you can keep him from coming at you and don't mind tossing a card a turn makes a great addition.

If your goals are "paint first, play second" for now, then really the choices are more about what you find asthetically pleasing. You could add any of the above and find ways to make them work and be interesting in a list. :)

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I'm kind of in the same boat with a Nico warband. I know that the concensus would be to pick up a flesh construct, but I'm not really a fan of the patchwork/frankenstien version of undead. I tend to lean more towards the supernaturally created undead like the punk zombies. Unfortunately, the other undead of this type (Bette Noir, Crooked Man, or Hanged Man) haven't come out yet. I guess I'm trying to figure out if I'll be that gimped if I just stick with a horde of Punk Zombies until they are released.

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