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I've just ordered my rulebook and have no idea about the point value of the minis and the rule for creating a team. For the first games I've ordered a team:

Miners and Steamfitters Union - Crew

Leveticus - Steampunk Necromancer

Rusty Alyce - Steampunk Mercenary

(By the way: Can anyone tell something about Injun Joss?)

I think this will do it for the first games. But of course I'm thinking about future teams. ;)

My favorite faction are the Neverborn, so I would buy every team of it I think. From the Arcanists I love the Steampunk Team that I will build up. From the other factions I would eventually create some small parties. But as I don't know the rules I can't say if it would work. Perhaps someone could give my a helping hand and tell me if my teams are a) regular and B) playable.

The Ressurectionists:




The Guild:

The Death Marshal Crew


Samael Hopkins

(Can I combine the two characters with the crew?)

From the Outcasts I like the Gremlins (what is the Hog Whisperer and do he need the package of 3 piglets?) and Bishop. So this guys I could use to fill up the teams.

If someone could satisfy my curiosity I'm very pleased! ;)

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I'll answer these in reverse order.

Som'er Teeth Jones can only hire Gremlins and Pigs in his crews. Bishop can't join, as he is neither type of model.

When you say "The Death Marshal Crew," do you mean the Death Marshals, Death Marshals + Judge, or the full starter crew? If you mean the latter, you can't bring Perdita along unless you're playing a Brawl. Brawls are the larger games where you can bring 2 masters on each side. Now, if you just want to bring Perdita as your master with Samael and some Death Marshals, that's a fine list to play, and it can definitely even be competitive if you play it right.

The Nicodem list you've got there is just fine. I'd still recommend some Samurai Punk Zombies, though. The Necropunks and the Zombies are pretty disposable, and relatively cheap. And they bring different fun possibilities to the table. However, if you just want to run Nicodem, Mortimer, and Nercopunks, that's totally legal and respectable.

What do you want to know about Joss? (He's lost the Injun, btw. ;)) If you've got Ramos, you've got no real reason to to pick him up. Actually, if you run any Arcanist crew, you ought to pick him up. Joss is one of those models that your opponent cannot afford to ignore. He pumps himself up with Power Counters whenever he activates, charges, or makes a melee attack, and he can spend these counters to increase damage, get a force field to work as armor, or even reactivate. Paired Axes with the possibility of 2-4 additional Dm is nothing to sneeze at. If your opponent is worrying about Joss, he's not popping your spiders or any of your other models (Hoarcats, Gamins, Saberteeth, etc.). If your opponent takes out the other models instead, he's probably getting a fully charged Joss shoved down his throat as payback.

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@Angel: Thanks a lot for that extensive answer!!

When you say "The Death Marshal Crew," do you mean the Death Marshals, Death Marshals + Judge, or the full starter crew? If you mean the latter, you can't bring Perdita along unless you're playing a Brawl. Brawls are the larger games where you can bring 2 masters on each side. Now, if you just want to bring Perdita as your master with Samael and some Death Marshals, that's a fine list to play, and it can definitely even be competitive if you play it right.

Yepp, I mean the full starter crew. So I could change my listing from the original starter crew to the Perdita-Samael-Death-Marshal-Team? That's great, so I've got some variety to test out.

The Nicodem list you've got there is just fine. I'd still recommend some Samurai Punk Zombies, though. The Necropunks and the Zombies are pretty disposable, and relatively cheap. And they bring different fun possibilities to the table. However, if you just want to run Nicodem, Mortimer, and Nercopunks, that's totally legal and respectable.

Thanks for the hint! But I really don't like the Zombies, that's the point. I think I will try the listing with thw Necropunks.

What do you want to know about Joss? (He's lost the Injun, btw. ;)) If you've got Ramos, you've got no real reason to to pick him up. Actually, if you run any Arcanist crew, you ought to pick him up. Joss is one of those models that your opponent cannot afford to ignore. He pumps himself up with Power Counters whenever he activates, charges, or makes a melee attack, and he can spend these counters to increase damage, get a force field to work as armor, or even reactivate. Paired Axes with the possibility of 2-4 additional Dm is nothing to sneeze at. If your opponent is worrying about Joss, he's not popping your spiders or any of your other models (Hoarcats, Gamins, Saberteeth, etc.). If your opponent takes out the other models instead, he's probably getting a fully charged Joss shoved down his throat as payback.

Great, that's exactly what I was interested in! ;) I just wanted to know how he is played and how he could complete my ordered crew. So you don't think that he is a good investment if I've got the Steampunk crew?

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It's a toss up between Joss and Bishop for best melee minion. In a vaccuum, I will give it to Joss now that Bishop has seen his final version.

TBK, Let's get started on that project. I still have enough of the details in my memory, I believe.

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I'm off to work but I'll start getting it on paper tonight.

Also, I agree that avoiding stating that a unit is a must take. Thankfully Joss is 9ss. That's a huge chunk of your force. So even though he is a kick in the stones there are a lot of times I don't take him. However having the option is really really nice.

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AoM was kidding there. Joss is a must include in my opinion in the Steampunk Crew. (M&SU really)

He has perfect machine like Ramos. Is a construct so Ramos can heal him and is likely the best Minion at Close Combat in the game.

Ah ok, then I will set him on my list.

But I've heard Lilith or Viktoria would be the hardest encounter in close combat.

Ramos can create his spider swarms, right? Are the two swarms in the starter set enough for a game or do I have to buy more of them to bug really? :spider:

And what about Bishop? What makes him a great deal?

Can you tell something about Zoraida? I really like her, but read she would be a very defensive model. Is that right?

... Can't wait 'til the rulebook is finally here... ! :peace:

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Ah ok, then I will set him on my list.

But I've heard Lilith or Viktoria would be the hardest encounter in close combat.

Only because they can cheat with stones. For the Minions, Joss and Bishop at the top of that heap.

Ramos can create his spider swarms, right? Are the two swarms in the starter set enough for a game or do I have to buy more of them to bug really? :spider:
Having an extra blister is always useful, but it won't make or break the game. For the starter, I'd base one swarm as a swarm on a 40mm base, and base the other spiders individually on 30mm bases. That way, you've got them as singles, you've got them for when they split up, and when they form back together. If you need a second swarm, you can always put a single on a 30mm on top of a blank 40mm base. It's good in a pinch.

And what about Bishop? What makes him a great deal?
He might be 10 stones (11 out of faction), but he's the swiss army knife on melee and defense. There's no situation he doesn't have a trigger for, and no opponent he can't own. Look at his stats (they're still floating around in the Outcasts section) and you'll see a really powerful model. What Joss might have in brute force, reactivation, and a force field, Bishop more than makes up for with his sheer number of attacks, triggers, and the ability to pick his suit for each activation.

Really need to leap away in Df, just pick :malimasks and you're good to go. Charge in, punch them in the face a few times, and use that suit to bounce out when you need to. Or maybe you just want to choke people like a mad man? Add some :malicrows and Bishop's got that too. Joss might have electrical axes (paired is another thing that gives him an advantage over Bishop in a few situations), but Bishop just uses his bare hands, sometimes wrapping a chain around his fists.

Can you tell something about Zoraida? I really like her, but read she would be a very defensive model. Is that right?
She's totally not stuck in the defensive. Poisoned Pins are sweet, and with a Voodoo doll, she's brutal. She's got Obey, too. Obey + Voodoo Doll = Manchurian Candidate style. With her Enthrall ability, she can also bring a few models into her list that aren't normally accessible to Neverborn.

The player who won the tournament at Gen Con used Zoraida. She's no slouch at all. Lilith might look like the most dangerous at first glance, and Pandora might look like she's got all of the tricks, but Zoraida plays both sides with style.

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And thanks again for your answer. :)

Cool, Bishop was - as I've written - on my list, too. I really like the miniature, just a bit of Tormentor from Thrill Kill (if someone know it). And when he's reallx such a good brawler he can amend every crew.

Ok, I think I will try with the spiders of the starter. If I don't get along with it I could prox it with the spider swarms of Fearless before my next order.

Great, Zoraida is my favorite Neverborn Champ and would be the first starter set I would buy. I love the swamp theme and already have same terrain for that ambience. And the Mire Golem just looks awesome. Is it just as hard as it looks like?

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Juju's stats are in the Neverborn section somewhere from his preview, too. like it says in my signature, he is a monster. And he shows up when (and sometimes where) you need him. And if that's not good enough, when he "dies" he returns with less wounds, again and again until he's truly removed. Seriously dangerous.

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