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Anima Tactics - Li Long

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Li Long



If one person can be considered the personification of martial arts, that is Li Long. Among the great masters it is said that one person among a thousand can become a good fighter, and one among a million has the talent to be an extraordinary master. Li Long is one among a billion. This veteran fighter has dedicated the last seventy-six years of his life to developing a martial arts style, adding the techniques of those he faces with a single objective; creating a definitive combat system.

  • Model: CS3015
  • Shipping Weight: 0.094lbs
  • Manufactured by: Cipher Studios



That beard is weird...

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You know, I really like the anime take on western fantasy but anima's models just haven't impressed me. They tend to have posing problems, have problems with the ultra-high detail the style requires, and tend to be lacking in the face department. I really want to like them but every time I see the models there always feels like there is something wrong.

Just my opinion.

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