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St. Anger's Malifaux Painting Blog

St. Anger

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Hey, at least you got something done.

I'm suffering from ADD really. I have the Gencon blog going and a commission with a deadline looming. I worked on the commission last night instead.

I think tonight I'll devote time to the Gencon project.

Keep at it. If we all do a bit each day we can compare notes with a bunch of completed Crews at Gencon!

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Slow weekend for progress...

I got the Beastmaster cleaned and based. I started getting the Terror Tots and the Steam Borg cleaned and based...

I also got the Coolmini LE Army Brat cleaened and based.

I had child duty on Saturday and my wife decided that we needed to get a Wii console. I then spent the afternoon trying to teach my 3 (almost 4) year old how to play the various games.

I can tell now that the Wii and this week's release of Dawn of War II will cause some serious problems towards the progress on my Malifaux minis blog...

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The Wii is teh debil! My wife got me a Wii while I was building my entry for the 2008 Terrainthralls competition. I almost didn't finish because of the damn thing. Well that and a bunch of other horrible things.

Just try to plug away at it every week. Even if it's just for one evening. That's where I am at at the moment. There is so much else going on!

I am planning on dragging a few other folks into the project and having a modeling night at least once a month and hopefully twice a month. That way I should get some real tangible progress once to twice a month. With Gencon 6 months away I should be able to finish the Arcanists at least!

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Treat yourself to Resident Evil 4 on the Wii.. that'll slow your progress!

- I sometime use a small round headed, diamond tipped burr to form a 'locator cup' before drilling, most often I snap bits when the tip skids.

I break a lot fewer bits using a Dremel ( I splashed out on the Stylus) than I did with a pin vice.

Suprisingly the old school GW designers rarely used multi-tools ..most inefficient..

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Well, I finally got the Steamborg assembled and based... That is a very impressive model once it is assembled. I can't wait to begin to paint it...

I have all 10 of the Tater Tots based and their arm holes drilled. I am planning on getting the arms drilled, pinned and inserted this evening... That is the plan... We will see if I can pull myself away from Dawn of War II...

My goal by Monday next week is to have the Hag and the 2 Sabertooths assembled and to primer everything that has been cleaned, assembled and based.

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I've been working on something else. I also did some cleaning of my workspace. Some. It's still a disaster area...

I'll get back to work on the blog on Sunday though. So the goal is to have the 'Borg assembles and the base sculpted by then.

Keep at it 'Anger! any progress is good progress!

Oh and just for kicks:


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I have all 10 of the Tater Tots based and their arm holes drilled. I am planning on getting the arms drilled, pinned and inserted this evening... That is the plan... We will see if I can pull myself away from Dawn of War II...

My goal by Monday next week is to have the Hag and the 2 Sabertooths assembled and to primer everything that has been cleaned, assembled and based.

Well, I am sad to say that the best laid plans fell apart... I got overcome by events... OK, it was because of the Wii and Dawn of War... Hopefully, I can get caught up tonight and get everything assembled and primed... Then maybe I will be back on track.

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I got some work done on the Terror Tots... 7 of the 10 have been completed. I only need to attach the arms on the remaining 3... The second Sabertooth just needs to be based. I have some light putty work to fix some gaps and as soon as that dries I should be able to begin priming the minis... This has definately taken alot more time than I had expected. The only saving grace is that I think that I am farther along this year than I was last year, before Gencon...

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I will try to take and post some pics on Sunday... After I have most of my minis either painted or primered, at a minimum...

<sad face>

Enh. It's cool though. Just keep at it right? I like to post frequent updates as folks feedback helps keep me motivated to keep going.

Of course the Wyrd figs are so nice it doesn't take much!

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It has been a few days since I posted to this thread with an update... I am trying to get stuff ready to prime... I am doing a last look at everything to make sure I didn't miss any mold lines, etc. I am also doing a little bit of putty work to clean up and smooth out gaps. I should be priming some stuff tonight.

On another note, I did finish building a paint rack this weekend from some scrap PVC board and tubing. My Father in Law helped with the cutting of the board and other stuff. I got some pics I will post up soon.

I will also try to post pics of what has been put together so far... I am also in the process of placing a new order for some more minis, which includes Nathan's new offerings... Like I really need more minis, RIGHT???

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I am back and have made some progress... I even took a few pics, as well.

Now for TBK and Kel to step up and show that they are still making some progress.

Lillith group:

Yes, they are primed in red... I am trying something with these... We will see how it turns out...


Current WIP:

Hopefully soon, some more of these will see the light of primer... I really want to get to paint the Steamborg, after looking at pics of the ones that EricJ and Brushmistress painted.




Paint Rack:

I still can't fit all of my paints... :(




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I really like the paint rack Anger.

I need one of those. Could you post some WIP pictures or at least some pics of the structure? I will be making one of those for myself. Very good idea.

I've been getting Ramos progressively done. I have most of the red for the interior of his cloak done. I also have another spider done. So that's two out of ten for me.

I'll hopefully post an update sometime around Tuesday evening of next week. I'm off to New York for the weekend tonight.

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Unfortunately, those are the WIP pics of the Paint Rack. I can try to see if I can give you all of the PVC pipe sizes that I used. I also added cups on the back top for tools that are closed on the bottom using test caps. I will try to get a few more pics. This was assembled using alot of left over scrap PVC pipe and PVC boards that my Father-in-Law had. I used his radial arm saw, with the blade turned around, for all of the cuts... Then lots of PVC purple stuff and glue.... That stuff smells great!!! :dead1:

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I have the radial arm saw already. :D

I don't have a good supply of PVC board though. I did think about making the substrate out of ply but that seems like more work and would require a lot of 5minute epoxy where as the pvc glue is much more efficient.

The PVC glue creates a helluva good bond... I have no idea how much PVC Board costs... But I do not think it is cheap.

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