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Hi all,

I'm pretty new to the whole mini photography thing. I think that I've got to grips with my camera (mostly), but I'm having some trouble photographing metal. I've started to paint a GW teutogen guard that's mostly metal (I've not ventured into NMM yet) and I would like to put a WIP pic on the forum. The thing is I just can't for the life of me get a photo that actually represents what it looks like in real life. I've got a light box to diffuse the light so that I don't get an obvious shine, but still I can only get a pic that looks really rough and a bit rubbish. The rest of him comes out fine but it's just the metal that I can't seem to represent properly. Does anyone have any hints, tips or suggestions?


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Metal is always going to be hard to take photos of, to take care of the image, first set the white balance on your camera to help to offset any color shift due to the type of bulbs your using. Once ou've gotten our white balance set break out the tripod, and set you camera to macro (not 100% necessary but it can help), to help with focusing.

This can help as well: http://tabstudio.wordpress.com/2007/07/31/taking-miniature-photos-on-a-black-background/

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