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A rather small giant...

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Mercenary Giant




Regular price: $75.00

Sale price: $68.00

A giant is not born evil. He is made that way. When left alone, giants tend to be quite solitary and secretive. They will hibernate for months without ever making a sound. The irony with natural giants is that they tend to be more quiet than most other wild creatures.

It is an unfortunate twist of fate that the giant would be such an effective instrument of war. An enraged giant is more powerful than any siege engine. One giant can sweep away rank after rank of footman with ease. Slavers earn great fortunes when they turn wild giants into war machines!

Some unlucky giants are hunted and captured during their youth. Year after year those giants are tempered further into submission by their malevolent captors. Once a giant is ready to conform to the will of its masters it is sent into battle.

The mercenary giant represents a great warrior who has earned his freedom either through great acts of valor during combat... or perhaps simply by eating his captors? Either way, this giant now bids himself out to the wealthiest warlod. He adorns himself with banners, armor and tools gathered from the field of battle. He is a scavenger, a loner and a nomad. He inspires fear in those who pass him, and terror in those who cross him.

The mercenary giant still wears his massive ropes and shackles as a reminder of why he now fights. It is war that drives the mercenary giant, and in this sense the giant remains a slave. He has forgotten a better way of life and has long forgotten his way home.

The original Mercenary Giant and its custom 50mmx75mm base were entirely scratch-built and custom sculpted by Jeremy Glen of Ultraforge. We can proudly say that every bit of this miniature has been sculpted with the closest attention to detail.

The Mercenary Giant Resin Kit comes un-assembled and un-painted. Each of the 6 pieces included in this kit (one head, two hands, one body, one legs and one 50mmx75mm scenic base) are cast from a high quality gray resin. This miniature stands approx. 6 inches in height when assembled.

Our professional casting house is among the best in the world and we are confident you will be fully satisfied with the quality of your purchase. Please be aware that while every effort is taken to create a flawless miniature no casting method is perfect and slight imperfections occasionally occur. These imperfections are nearly unnoticeable and can be easily removed or filled during assembly.

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Somebody should point this out to GW. Clearly it is possible to make a lanky, bald giant with a ponch and not have it end up being a freaking abomination. They aught to give that a try.

I like this guy. He has some very cool details and just seems to be a story unto himself. Looks intimidating as anything to paint though.

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