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Four more 'Battlefield Evolution' previews

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EFTF British Army Command Section & Warrior

Series: Battlefield Evo

Price: $29.95

Distributor on sale date: 12th February 2007


Trained at the Sandhurst College, British Army officers have few equals. This Command Section is able to watch the entire progress of the battle unfold on their digital links, then direct their forces effectively, p[lanning hit and run attacks or directing firepower to where it is most critical.

The Warrior APC is able to ferry squads across the battlefield in safety, its heavy armour protecting them while the 40mm cannon makes short work of all but the most heavily armoured opposition. The Warrior may be deployed with the Command Section, or on its own as transport for another squad.

This box set contains the Command Section and a Warrior.

MEA Fedayeen Squad

Series: Battlefield Evo

Price: $29.95

Distributor on sale date: 12th February 2007


A cut above the avergae infantry of the MEA, the Fedayeen have been well-trained and equipped with the finest weaponry their supporters can acquire. The AT-14 is an advanced anti-tank weapon, capable of destroying even the heavily armoured American Abrams, while the SVU sniper rifle will ensure enemy infantry are forced to keep their heads down.

Each member of the Fedayeen also carries an IED, ready to detonate upon arrival at an important objective or enemy armoured vehicle. The presence of the Fedayeen in a force guarentees the enemy will take you seriously.

This box set contains a full Fedayeen squad.

MEA Technicals Squadron

Series: Battlefield Evo

Price: $29.95

Distributor on sale date: 12th February 2007


Renowned for their ingenuity, the MEA have taken civilian pick up trucks and turned them into weapons of war. With a mounted PKM machine gun and the ability to take a small squad into battle, the Technicals are fast and agile.

By deploying high value squads into Technicals, you can ensure your objectives are quickly met, forcing the enemy onto the backfoot while retaining the initiative all through the battle.

This box set contains three Technicals.

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Those Technicals are awesome!

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