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Some New Pieces - Crunch Waffle and Mag Egos


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Well, my time in the last month has mostly been being eaten by moving, an out of state "weekend" reunion (more like Wednesday to the next Monday), and an last minute impromptu trip to Origins. However, somewhere in there I managed to get a few things done. Theres the massive Dragon for Magnificent Egos that Sue Wachowski and I split so that neither of us would have to go insane trying to do one by our self. Unfortunately I dont really have the space to take good pictures of so if you want to see it you'll just have to show up at their booth at GenCon. Then theres a couple small pieces that managed to sneak their way into the cracks in my time.

While I was at Origins I managed to finish their Nude Male Wild Elf. He's a pretty sweet little Gael sculpt. I love his expression:


Then theres their new Iron Maiden. Went for a kinda creepy metal into skin feel. Another Gael sculpt. Still a little 2D for my general tastes, but definately showing signs of improvement:


And the Crunch Waffle piece that drove me batty. The Giant Archer Fish. I offered to do this one not realizing that the seperate piece that came with was supposed to be a water spout. No, not a piece of driftwood and definately not a bizarely melted gun... a water spout. *grumble grr* The scales were fun to experiment with though, and honestly the water wasnt too bad once I got over teh fact that it wasnt driftwood:


I'd give you actual pictures, but coolminiornot doesnt seem to want to play nice with the forum linking software and I'm afraid that I havent had a chance to upload them to my webserver yet.


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