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NEWS: Privateer Press (2 models)

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Kovnik Jozef Grigorovich


When offered a promotion to kommander after a lifetime of service, Jozef Grigorovich flatly refused. Kovnik was the highest rank he could attain and still march into battle side by side with his brothers and sisters of the Winter Guard. Even Kommanant Irusk praises his tactical cunning, but the seasoned Grigorovich is most famed for his stirring speeches to men in the field, compelling even the greenest recruits to attempt acts of selfless heroism in the name of the Motherland.

Bane Lord Tartarus


Bane Lord Tartarus is both a singular weapon and a commanding general the lich lords employ to press their war on the mainland. Like all bane thralls and knights, his essence is linked to the same great void of darkness, inimical to all life, that bleeds death into Caen. Though he has mastered this energy, he cannot deny its unholy impulses, and he calls his host to join him in one slaughter after another.


Those photos REALLY suck. They need those 360s again! The Bane Lord just isn't clear enough in this crappy picture. And Grigorovich looks good...but the photo is also quite stupid (hate the angle...).

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Yeah thumbs down on the poses, especially the Khador guy. They look pretty nice otherwise.

I don't know what it is about PP photography, but lately they almost seem to go out of thier way to show thier pieces from the absolue worst angles possible. These are just the latest victims.

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The "Look at my weapons!" pose that they both have ain't so hot either.

I wish PP would hire Kev White to do all the character poses.

Much as I like KW's stuff, he's been responsible for a couple of PP howlers.... That Orboros box is nasty apart from the big wolf.

Khador bloke looks rubbish. Harumph. :mad:

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Disagree! I bought the Orboros box and the models are most excellent! The Warpwolf was perhaps the most pain-in-the-ass model to assemble I've ever encountered, but the end results are lovely.

The Wolves of Orboros, a buncha guys running through the woods in full plate, with barbed spears and full face-masks are what I hate. Nonsense idea, and crapola models.

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