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Returning to Malifaux

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It's been a few years since I last played a game and probably almost as long that I've posted here. A few friends at my LGS were discussing Malifaux today and I flipped the black joker in resisting the urge to get back in. I've a few questions regarding 3rd edition as I dropped out when Titania first came out.

  • Are Guilders still a thing? I've got around 17 of them lying around and if I can still trade them in, that'd be awesome.
  • What are the major rules changes? From my investigations it seems that hiring is now keyword locked, but Masters can still hire from outside the keyword with losses to synergy? If that's not right, could someone let me know? Has shooting from height been fixed?!
  • Masters and play-styles and lore, oh my! I sold off or gave away my collection as I drifted from the game. It seems a lot of my old favourites are MIA (Ramos, Lilith). That being said, it means a fresh start and I've been eyeing off the Victorias and/or the Explorer's Guild faction. Are the Vics still melee powerhouses, and how do the new masters play?
  • On the previous note, I do like speed in a faction, but am also partial to a good beat-down murderizer. What sort of faction/masters would best suit that style?
  • Is it still the steampunk, cosmic horror and wild western setting that I came to enjoy immensely?
  • Is there are starter set, or do I just grab a box, the rules and an opponent?
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Welcome! Not sure about the M2E stuff but about M3E:

Yep, you'll still find Cthulhu fighting katana chicks and lots of cyberarms/legs.

Vicks are still very dangerous in close range, and her crew is all about mobility and damage; that mobility can also be used to scheme and they got some decent ranged attacks too.

The explorer society only has 2 Masters right now McCabbe and Basse; The former is kind of "Indiana Jones" theme, his main perk is buffing his crew with Artifacts that give them fasts and some extra abilities/actions; then those models may give those artifacts to each other to reactivate fast (he can use those buffs in OOK models, but only in minions). The latter is around the ranger/scout theme; they start ahead, create concealing severe terrain only for that turn but they also ignore severe terrain and gain extra advantages out of it; they also use traps and raptors to annoy enemies.

If you already like Vicks, Outcast fits into that fast and killy theme you are looking for and they are top dogs right now. Ten thunders is another faction that also fit that fast and killy theme and it is also doing very well, and maybe Ressers is another also fast and hitty and is another faction doing quite well. These 3 mainly, but in other factions there are also some Masters with that fast and killy theme like Marcus or Nekima (but Nephs are also playables in outcasts tho). Other faction have also awesome crews with good killy crews, but not necessarily that fast as the above ones. But that's in my opinion of course, check forums, guides and make up your mind.

AFAIK there is no starter set, just grab a core box plus something else that goes well with the core box and you are all set. Rules are free btw.

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Oh cool, so the rules are free now, awesome! 😄


Good to hear that the Vics are still a fast melee powerhouse, I might grab the box tomorrow morning. I might sit and wait on the Explorers then, if only two masters are out. So, Vic box, rules downloaded, all I gotta do if drum up a bit of interest/get people playing!


Also, if anyone can answer regarding the guilders that's be awesome! Thanks!

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Tomorrow? Haha, you really flipped that BJ ;)

If you are all set for the Vicks and have a few extra bucks, I'd pick also Loyalty to Coin small box; there you have the henchman, and two supportish models. With the core and that one you'll have a very playable 50SS Vicks crew. With only the core box you won't have enough SS for a full 50SS game.

There are other options in the Outcast product page (like Hired Killers or A Hard Days Work), but that's probably the best one to round your first crew. The Outcast forum is a good place to get extra insight about the crew.

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