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Wording Ill Omens and Alcohol Poisoning

Drunken Monkey


I have a confusion about the wording of the two abilities "Ill Omens" and "Alcohol Poisoning" and probably similar ones.

For as I read both abilities they should stack. So if a model with poison is in the aura range of Brewmaster and Whesley it should get +2 Poison Damage and if I have Mah and Trixie I should have +2 on my flips for Initiative.

Now I kind of remember on a discussion back in the beta where I was told one would stack and the other doesn't (do not remember which way) and now I am totally lost on that question...

Do both abilities stack? Does none? Or is there a difference?

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29 minutes ago, Steve-El-Tragger said:

Ill Omens stack, Alocohol Poisoning doesnt.

Models cant be affected by multiple abilities with the same name. Ill Omens doesnt affect a model tho.


Guess this was what I was thinking of, then.

I can't find the right section in the rules. There is one passage about abilities and one about conditions that says models cant get the same multiple time. Since Alcohol Poisoning doesn't give a new ability a second time, nor is a condition, I'm confused. It just says a model would take +1 damage.

Could you point out where I can find this in the rules?

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1 hour ago, Drunken Monkey said:

Guess this was what I was thinking of, then.

I can't find the right section in the rules. There is one passage about abilities and one about conditions that says models cant get the same multiple time. Since Alcohol Poisoning doesn't give a new ability a second time, nor is a condition, I'm confused. It just says a model would take +1 damage.

Could you point out where I can find this in the rules?

I just took a look and cant find the section as i rembered it anymore. Might have been changed during the beta i dunno. The way it now reads in the rulebook, they indeed should stack hence the +

Edit: Found it, Page 30

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