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collodi bag of props build


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So I'm trying out bag of props instead of fated.

I'm still using a standard list to get to know my models better

(I started by switching in and out to try and match the strategy and schemes and found out it worked better to just use the same model three times in a row, at least, to understand it)

50 SS Neverborn Crew
Collodi + 5 Pool
 - Strum the Threads (1)
 - Bag of Props (1)
 - Breathe Life (1)
Marionette (3)
Marionette (3)
Widow Weaver (8)
 - A Thousand Faces (1)
Teddy (11)
 - A Thousand Faces (1)
Mysterious Emissary (10)
 - Conflux of Music (0)
Lucky Effigy (4)
Arcane Effigy (4)

Thousand on teddy gets swapped for retribution, malifaux provides or maybe very rarely wings.

Weaver swaps for mimics blessing or nexus.

The idea is that emissary summons in some early changelings and then either goes after scheme runners or throws out hazardous that collodi can walk people into.

Weaver's only real job is to throw out -wp for collodi and force horror duels with exhale. Also the extra move for constructs can be a God send.

Teddy is there as he's the only big beater I currently own that can get retribution. 

I took lucky over brutal as collodi flips so many cards in a turn he usually gets more healing out of it.

The marionettes are for personal puppet and to run schemes. 

With strum, weaver and a 2" push they can go 20" in one activation, that is usually enough to set them up for scoring schemes out of my opponents reach.

This also works if my opponent has an annoying sniper placed somewhere. Simply run a marionette into his face and have it stand there.

Arcane is for what he always does.

I've come to love walking people into emisarrys terrain. 

If you place them in base contact with it after they've activated that's an average of 11 damage. 3 from strings and 4 from terrain and then 4 again when they activate next turn.

(Edited cause I wrote it wrong) 

I've considered replacing teddy with an illuminated when I get them.

So far the only thing I'm afraid of is facing a really shooty list or a Ramos arachnid swarm.

I play against gremlins, TT, outcasts and arcanist and one of the others is thinking about ressers. 

Anything you think I've completely missed

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My go to build for bag of props...

50 SS Neverborn Crew
Collodi + 6 Pool
 - Bag of Props (1)
 - Strum the Threads (1)
 - Pact (1)
Marionette (3)
Marionette (3)
Hannah (11)
Lazarus (11)
 - Retribution's Eye (1)
Doppleganger (7)
Brutal Effigy (4)
Shadow Effigy (4)

 (exported from CrewFaux)

Collodi gets 6 ap a turn to either attack with or move his crew around or whatever you want really. Lazarus just finds a bunker and shoots at anything that comes in range. Hannah squares off against anyone that gets in close.

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I can see the argument. And Lazarus is most definitely on my shortlist for new models to get.

I'm not convinced about Hannah. Seems a lot for another Ap for collodi.

What is the doppelganger role in the list and why shadow effigy when you can't give the benefit to everyone? 

Seems a bit weak as a master only buff

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You can swap the effigies around to whatever youd like. Sometimes I take the hodgepodge, combined with the brutal you're getting stones or cards. Arcane is always good for a dmg buff but always gets left at home if my opponent announces TT. I like that shadow just as some extra security. It's not necessary but still a good choice regardless. The doppelganger can do several things. She obviously giving you the initiative bonus and you can set her near lazarus for more ranged blasting or if need be copy hannahs melee and charge something. Shes also an amazing scheme runner. So really shes doing what she always does, being a Swiss army knife.

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