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New player questions


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Hey guys, just picked up Malifaux last week, had a few games already. Enjoying it so far, but a few questions have come up


The promises upgrade if attatched to Queeg - does it provide bonus to all attack flips or attack and damage flips? It says MI duels - so I'm thinking both


Sidir couple of questions here:

When he uses his 'by your side' ability to become the target of an opppnents charge instead of a friendly models - does the opponent have to throw both attacks at Sidir or just the initial?


Secondly, his riposte ability, does that trigget his blades critical strike? because the ram is built into his defense stat? I dont think so because he doesn't attack, he simply defends and if they miss then he gets a free attack? Though im confused why they'd put the ram there and not just the mask?? 

Also with the riposte action, do I benefot from the bonus granted by 'Promises' upgrade? it's a MI duel, correct? So if promises does provide a positive flip for damage, I assume that'd transfer to my riposte? or am I getting greedy??? :)

Lastly, Luna is engaged with an enemy  n I choose to shoot her with my netgun? so as the pulse splashes onto the enemies and potentially slows them? Same with Sidirs 'empty the magazine'? 

Some feedback would be greatly appreciated! Thanks guys 

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Welcome to Malifaux!

An Ml duel is any duel a model makes in which they use their Ml stat. A damage flip is not a duel.

Charge requires you to make 2 attacks against the same target as the charge action, so the 2 attacks would need to be on Sidir as well.

Correct, Riposte is can not declare critical strike as it is not his Mrityu Blade action. He has the :ram in his Df stat because he needs a :ram and a :mask to get declare Riposte meaning you will have to either cheat, flip or stone for the mask. This does not benefit from Promises for the reasons I stated above.

You are allowed to target friendly models so long as the action doesn't say "target enemy model" or "target X model" where X is some characteristic your friendly model doesn't have. However, McCabe would not be able to hit Luna with his netgun while she's engaged because he can't randomize for her and you have to randomize when shooting into engagement.

For future reference there is a rules forum for questions to be asked in, although it's not a strictly enforced rule.

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