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Wishlisting for a new Campaign System


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I was talking with my group and we were discussing the Shifting Loyalties campaign. While we all agreed it could be fun I came up with a few wishlist ideas for a Malifaux Campaign. The main restriction I placed on myself was that the campaign system would be narrative based. So most of the concepts would not carry over to Tournament play.

  • Customizable/Generic Henchmen Leaders - While Malifaux has been about the Masters it would be interesting to have generic Henchmen that represent the characters in the story who aren't named. Such as the Witch Hunter who allies with Ironsides, or the Necromancers who were at Sebastian's convetion. Similar to how there was a Story Encounter only Master in the Crossroads book that could summon Ice Gamin. I say Henchmen instead of Masters just because I feel the masters are an important part to the game that you can't discount.
  • More Base Building - This was something that I like about how the Nythera campaign did hideouts. My only problem was that it was based on Wins instead of a different mechanic. For example you can get all the scrip from a game, but still lose. If you are getting add-ons to a hideout I feel it should be based on more than one thing. Possibly if you played against an arcanist last game you can purchase a Witch Hunter Outpost to get access to hire Witchling Handlers.

I know campaigns have a lot of optional rules, but I still find them to be a fun aspect to Malifaux that I want to get more into.

I also know that Through the Breach is a thing, but it doesn't allow me to create a character that leads a malifaux crew.

What do you guys think would be cool to see in Malifaux game campaigns?

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