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Hi, I have a question about Flurry action. It says:
(2) Flurry: This model may discard a card. If it does, this model may make 3 MI Attack Actions an AP cost of 1 against a single target.
Does it mean that I can perform 3 separate attack actions against a single target or should I make all 3 actions in a row like when I'm charging? Can I, for example, make one attack action, then use 0 action and then continue making attacks?

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You have to make all three attacks in a row, you can't "interrupt" the flurry to take another action because it's still technically resolving.

Basically when actions cause actions, you have to fully resolve everything before you can declare another one. Flurry isn't fully resolved until you have taken all three attacks (or you can't take any more against the same target because it's no longer a legal target)

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No, you can't choose to cancel a Flurry or a Charge early once it's started, you have to make all the attacks, even if there might be downsides. It's the same as when you make an attack with multiple effects, for example an attack that deals damage and grants a condition; you couldn't choose to only hand out the condition, or only deal the damage, you would have to do both.

However, if there was some trigger or ability on a model that made it so that the target was no longer a legal target, then it would end early. For example if you flurried vs a model with a Squeal trigger and they pushed out of range after the first attack.

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