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Bon Schill help please


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So I have a new player in our small group who does really well except versus misaki. Those crafty ninjas seem to just murder his crew on melee. A few times it was bad positioning but it just seems mismatched. He has the vS crew box and Hannah so far. 

As I play neverborn and gremlins and our group is small I have no real experience for or against Von Schill. Can anyone offer tips to pass along that might help him level it out, whether it's a model he might want to pick up or some crafty tactics. Thank you all in advance. 

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My only experience against Misaki is being beaten by her, so I might not provide the best advice.

I would say, get Lazarus and Strongarm, and, when she comes out, Anna Lovelace.

Kill Sensei Yu. That little guy needs to die in every Ten Thunder list.

Don't advance too quickly, Misaki murderizes people who get close too quickly. Keep a good cache of cards and stones in case you need to save someone from being assassinated.

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I struggle against Misaki.  You can't keep away from her because she has too many movement buffs.  She hits like a truck and can cause you pain from a distance and she has no glaring weaknesses.  I don't think I've beat her yet.

The think with 10T is that they have a lot of positive flips to things.  These cause pain.  Much, much pain.

If your opponent is facing a lot of positive flip modifiers from his opponent, then he is severely disadvantaged.  It can take a while to realise just how hugely that can impact the game.  Can also be very unfun when you don't win any duels.

Librarian will help heal von Schill - between that and his 'shirt comes off' he should be more resilient.

Misaki's totem heals her which is very annoying - but can be taken out easily, especially by the librarian.

You can try to block Misaki from charging your master by positioning him behind a minion......maybe.  Have enough SS in place to reduce damage. 

If you're losing all the duels against the opponent, then just focus on getting on with the schemes instead of wasting time on duels you can't win.

If she is coming after your minions then that just may allow your master to put a hit on her.



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Unless you can make it so VS can't be seen by Misaki, he's not safe.  misaki has the same charge shenanigans as VS for the most part, with a huge threat range.  I'm in bed and not getting my cards for it. If she wants, she'll get him.  But he has the tools to weather the storm from her, as mentioned above.  Keep the libby around and activate last and he may be fine.

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At least VS isn't concerned with her thunder if hes running in theme, its just bisento attacks. Games shes taken from me were with other masters where she got to thunder the shit outta me after being unawares and bunching up on the advance up the board. Die and learn I guess! She's a really strong master when played well.

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