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Neverborn Markers Starter Kit?


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Hey guys! I am wanting to start making some of my own custom markers for my Neverborn crew and I was wondering if you guys could give me a rundown of all the different markers I would need and their sizes? Basically, the Neverborn marker starter kit LOL.
I currently play Mama Z and Dreamer and the only markers I have done are the tree markers for my Waldgeist...other than that I can only think of scheme, corpse, and scrap markers, but I know there are more that I'm missing. Please help if you can ^_^ (also would it help if I posted all the models I own, or can you guys figure it out from just the masters I have listed?)
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The Widow Weaver places 30mm "Web" markers that give -1 Wp to enemy models within 3". Lilith also places Tree markers (50mm) but hers are upgraded as they block line of sight (unlike those of Waldgeists that do not). Illuminated can place a 30mm "Brilliance" marker with a trigger on their ranged attack. That marker gives the Brilliance condition to models within 2". The Spawn Mother places 30mm "Egg" markers that spawn Gupps either when she decides to hatch the eggs, or when she dies. Finally, the Mysterious Emissary is able to (0) place a 50 mm "Hungry Land" marker that is severe and hazardous terrain and can pull in models that fail a Walk 13 duel (or something like that). I believe that should be it, all of the markers that might come into play.

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Do  you just want markers for the models you own, or all the possible markers you could field in a neverborn crew?

Everyone will need scheme markers. (30mm)

Corpse and scrap markers are used with Collodi and the widow weaver, but a lot of your crew would drop them. (30mm)

Waldigiest and get the 50mm Germinate marker

Lileth can Drop 2 50mm Illusionary forests which have different rules to the Waldgiests germinate marker, so if you play a Lileth game with Waldgiests you will need to be able to distingush the markers. 

Blast MArkers (50mm) are fairly universal. 

Illuminated can drop a 30mm Brilliance marker

The Emissary can drop hazadous markers. (50mm I think). 

If you are hiring in Mercs, Hannah can drop a void marker.



Starergys will need several markers. Turf war needs 1 30mm, as does extraction. Guard the stash needs 2 50 mm markers. Squatters rights needs 5 squat marklers (30mm). head hunter needs so 30mm heads. Stake a claim needs some 30mm claims. 

You'll only need 1 set of these at a time, so you can use squat markers as claim markers or head markers if you want, (just calling them strategy markers).

You could also be able to use your forests or blasts as the stash markers if you want. 

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