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Pigapult Question


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If you have a little summoning core around Som'er or Sammy, just heal the models you're summoning off. The others are going to die anyway, just make sure they do something before they expire. You summon a couple of models, heal the new summons, send off the models you summoned off (because they're not slow) then repeat in the next turn.

Two slop haulers and you can just run your wounded models past the second hauler on their way up the board and they can get a heal as they run past.

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I tend to use just one Sloppy, and often use Take a Swig for healing
Less of an issue with Ulix as he can take damage to heal 2 on all pigs in a pulse, and then just heal him (and Old Major/large pig you've summoned off) with the slop hauler.

If you position correctly, Old Major can the the Slopper with him with Saddle, and Ulix can push into contact with his ability

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