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Malifaux's Most Wanted League at Geek Out Games, Central SC


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Alright Wyrdos! I have finally hammered out the details for the upcoming Malifaux League coming up on Feb. 18th thru Apr. 17th! Here goes:

The league will last for eight weeks, with official League Days on Wednesdays* and Sundays* (*this may change). You can play league games at Geek Out whenever you like, but I will only be there on these days.

I will announce the schemes and strategies that everyone will be using each week.

We are starting out at 35ss and adding 5ss to our crew building pools every other week. Here's the breakdown:

Weeks 1 & 2
35 ss, Crew Box Contents required

Weeks 3 & 4
40 ss, Crew Box Contents required

Weeks 5 & 6
45 ss, anything goes

Weeks 7 & 8
50 ss, anything goes

** Scoring **

Everyone will have a wanted poster with their picture and Malifaux name on it. We'll use these to keep everyone's score, which is presented in the form of a bounty!

You gain bounty by playing games and earning victory points in them, and by buying and painting Malifaux miniatures. There are a few other ways to get a higher bounty as well. The person with the highest bounty at the end of the league is the winner!

Here's the breakdown that I'll post at the shop:

- Play a league game* - $1000
- Get Victory Points in a League Game* - $200 each**
- Play with a fully painted crew* - $1000
- Play someone you haven't played yet in the League - $500
- Buy a Malifaux product from Geek Out Games - $1000
- Paint a Malifaux miniature - $500
- Build a Malifaux Themed terrain piece (once only) - $2000
- Buy your Organizer a drink - $100

*You can score only one league game per week, but may score the best game that you play that week! You have to keep your own records though.

** If you score more Victory Points in a game vs a player with a higher Bounty than yours, your Victory Points are worth DOUBLE!

There will be drawings for random prizes, and for first, second and third place.

The entry fee is $10 (or $5 if you already have a wanted poster). You only get your wanted poster after you pay for the league.

Well.... that's it I think. If I left anything out, or you have questions, let me know!

See you all on the Other Side!!!!

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