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Blades, Bullets, and Broken Hearts: Henchmen Hardcore Event


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Event: Henchmen Hardcore

Location: Game Shoppe 4014 N 144th St Omaha, Ne 68116  (402) 991-8699

Date: Monday, February 1st

Time: Register starts at 5:00pm and the event starts at 5:30pm

Cost: Nothing

Rounds: 3 rounds, 30 minutes each

Prize: One prize to the player with the highest gained victory points

The time has finally come! Grab your favorite henchmen and create your best crew. Only the most hardcore can survive! But don't let all that scare you, it is newbie friendly. Join the fun and do your best to score as many victory points! You can even gain some bonus victory points for your hobby skills.  Check out the rules below:

All Crews must be led by a Henchman, not a Master.

The game size is 20 Soulstones.

All Crews must contain exactly 4 models, no more, no less. May not take more that two copies of the same model. 

Upgrades may be purchased, as allowed by the standard rules of Malifaux.

The size of a Crew’s Soulstone Pool is limited by the Cache of the Henchman leading it; any Soulstones above this amount are discarded.

Any Actions, Abilities, or Triggers which summon models are considered to be “blank” (they may not be used and have no effect on the game, as if they were not printed on the model).

Only one Scheme will be available.

The same Crew must be used in each round of the event.

Deployment: Close.
Strategy: Hardcore Turf War. This Strategy uses the Turf War rules (Core Rulebook pg. 66) with the exception that VP may be scored on the first Turn.
Scheme Pool: Assassinate (Core Rulebook pg. 68). This is the only Scheme available and it must always be taken.

Gain +1VP for playing with a fully painted crew (it is only 4 models) +1VP for having at least one model painted in a valentine theme (needs some red, pink, and white on there), +1VP for bringing valentine theme soulstones. Who says Henchmen Hardcore can't be fun? 

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