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Campaign Ressers


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So with the a 600 dollar purchase and every thing I can possible own for Ressers under my belt, I am faced with the daunting task of learning an entirely new faction. 

It just so happens my local group is starting a campaign soon, so I thought it would be a good time to ease one foot into the grave as it were, but I find myself still a little overwhelmed. So I turn to my undead masters for advice. 

What kind of starting crew would you use for a campaign, and where would your next couple of purchases go?  This will help me focus on which to build and paint first so I dont get bogged down in undead minions. 


My current plan is to start with Toshiro as my leader and build eventually into Nicodem and his avatar, since Nicodem is what I really want to play. Beyond Toshiro I am not sure what else to add, a couple punk zombies for killy power, a dead puppy or two for scheme running/making early corpses for summoning, a nurse for just goo support?


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