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Getting started with Dreamer


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@ Tinweasel - I wouldn't bother with On Dreaming Wings on Coppelius unless flight is going to be worth 2SS. He's plenty fast already and the secondary effect does nothing in my experience. Give it a shot if you like, it'd be nice if you had a different experience. Otherworldly is also another option to lose if you needed more stones/upgrade space; it's pure gold on summoning Dreamer, not as relevant for Chompy. 

I've never played Wicked Dolls but Waldgeists are solid with the Dreamer in my experience. If you want to tarpit someone he can hide behind them providing healing and other buffs, then pop out to paralzye something or turn into Chompy and eat it. 

I mostly want to see how well it works for running schemes with Coppelius. We tend to have a lot of buildings in our scenery, so the option to just go over all that and make straight fast lines to drop markers sounds practical. I'm thinking of creating Alps to tag along with him to guard his back, or if he makes some en route as a distraction it'll help them move to engage easier and free up his route.

i hadn't actually read up on Wicked Dolls, but their synergy with Weaver/Dreamer as a barrier seems good. One of the guys I play with has fun McMourning and being able to turn his own poison against him seems funny to me - they provide a buffer between enemies and Dreamer/Weaver while Teddy drags stuff back to the kill zone.

Again, all theory, but I'm trying to take advantage of the models I've got (or can proxy) to get a feel for how Dreamer plays. Duly noted on Otherworldly and Wings, though. 

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