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Defensive triggers from friendly attacks



I know that you can't declare defensive triggers if you relent to a friendly attack, but does anything else prevent a defensive trigger from a friendly attack?

Example for what I am thinking is Somer being banjo bashed by a bayou Gremlin, while Somer has Do it like Dis up with masks, so then is able to declare the trigger of loudest squeal and push 4 inches in any direction. Just checking to see if this is a valid tactic before I go get a game in this friday.

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As long as you didn't relent, you can declare triggers as normal, so you can absolutely declare Loudest Squeel on a friendly attack. Attacking Som'er for pushes is one of my favourite tactics. Note that quite a few triggers (including most versions of Squeel) specify enemy attacks.



While I'm here, might I recommend a couple of tips: If you activate a Skeeter, you can Do It Like Dis for Masks, then melee Som'er and be guaranteed to get the trigger before he activates. Plus even if you hit, minimum damage is 0. Then you can shoot him a couple more times with Bayou Gremlins, who if they miss, great, free pushes on Som'er. If they hit, they can push up and be a little closer to the action for turn 2. And then, since Som'er hasn't yet activated, he can normally walk, focus and shoot an enemy. With a stone (or his own Do It Like Dis) for rams and a high card in hand, he can get off 8:blast:blast damage pretty reliably. 12 if you have (or flip!) the Red Joker. It's pretty nasty.

Edited by Dogmantra
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