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Shifting loyalties. . Grow crew possible?


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Hello all. Me and some buddies are going to be starting a shifting loyalties campaign, and I was thinking of doing a nakima grow crew. 

Problem is, if I "sacrifice" my terror tot to summon the young nephilim in game, do I need to make a finishing off flip for my terror tot? Could I potentially lose my tots and Youngs permanently from the grow mechanic? 

Also, I know you can buy 1 upgrade for your crew at the first crew creation. Can you buy more upgrades later? Not the campaign equipment or skills, but the actual faction upgrades? 


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This is answered on pg 31 of the Shifiting Loyalties book.  If a model requires to sacrifice to summon something then the Terror Tot will not have to do a Finish off flip.   If the summoned Young, is killed or sacrificed (other then growing into a mature), the Terrot Tot would have to do the Finish Off flip. 


Yes you can buy non-campaign upgrades at the start of each week.  The cost is double the SS cost.   If the upgrade cost 0 then it cost 2ss to add to your arsenal. 

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Thank you. I don't have the book yet, and I'm planning my crew for our game. 


If let's say I add any skills or equipment to a terror tot, does that transfer to the young nephilim when he "grows"? 

Probably wishful thinking. 

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The last sentence in para 2 on that page.  (yes I know you don't have the book).  States When a model sacrifices itself, all Skills and Injuries on it are discarded, although the model will still retain them after the game.

For the equipment, you would have to ask the person running it.   I would think it would be discarded.   Since the Terror tot and the young are both minion, and minions can't normally get upgrades.   If you have Change of Station on the Terror Tot to make it a Enforcer, it would lose the Change of Station Skill when it grows.

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