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Nythera and More at Coliseum of Comics @ FSM in Orlando, FL


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Hey guys,

Sorry this post is later than usual.  Things have been crazy here.

So, the big Nythera event is coming up.  I just want to throw out that anyone who wants to challenge me (Alex) at the store, you are welcome to do so during any of our scheduled events or open play sessions starting Sep. 5th or later.  I'll be representing Neverborn.  We've got a handful of guys here that play different factions, so there's bound to be someone willing to take on other factions as well.  Remember, every Saturday at 3pm is Malifaux at Fashion Square Mall.

Also, as September 5th is the first Saturday of the month, we've got a special scenario that we've cooked up for you.  I call it "Late to the Party".  Details below.

Late to the Party

Today is National "Be Late for Something Day!"  No, I'm not kidding.

The event today will be a standard 35SS build following typical guidelines... with one exception.  At any point after the 3rd round, for any reason whatsoever, you can field a single non-master figure at a cost of 10SS or less that doesn't count toward your initial build cost (no upgrades attached) as long as the figure matches the chosen crew faction. As an additional bonus, you don't need to disclose this figure until it is revealed.  The figure will start within 6" of any border.

Edited by BewareTheYalcrab
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