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Henchmen System


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So I've fallen pretty hard for this game pretty quickly, and now that I've got my feet wet a bit I'm thinking about where I want to go with my commitment to this game. I'm wanting to get really into this game is my point, in part thanks to the genuinely great community here. That said, I've decided I'm very interested in the Henchmen program, and I'm hoping that by the time registration opens back up in October I'll be ready with two crews to get signed up with. So I'm curious if there are any Henchmen running around the forums and if there are if y'all would give out any advice or information you think would be useful to know about the program. Thanks guys, you're the best  :D

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Though I am not a Henchman (I have no LGS so my application would be denied) I am the community leader for my group.  If you are looking to expand and provide a good experience for the players that look to you here are some thoughts:


1) Remember you are the host, not the boss.  Encourage play but don't dictate how it is played.

2) If it is either you or another player who has to sit out, then you should sit out, the community takes priority.

3) Have a demo crew together, something simple, painted and balanced against another demo crew, a great looking demo table helps.

4) Have a 'loaner' crew.  Something (again) simple but strong enough to stand on it's own but also something you aren't invested in so that you are always willing to let someone play with it.

5) Observe your group and be willing to provide feedback and rule calls but don't butt in or correct rules unless you are asked.

6) Finally, always try to push towards a positive and encouraging environment that is welcoming to everyone regardless of the player type.


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Though I am not a Henchman (I have no LGS so my application would be denied) I am the community leader for my group.  If you are looking to expand and provide a good experience for the players that look to you here are some thoughts:


1) Remember you are the host, not the boss.  Encourage play but don't dictate how it is played.

2) If it is either you or another player who has to sit out, then you should sit out, the community takes priority.

3) Have a demo crew together, something simple, painted and balanced against another demo crew, a great looking demo table helps.

4) Have a 'loaner' crew.  Something (again) simple but strong enough to stand on it's own but also something you aren't invested in so that you are always willing to let someone play with it.

5) Observe your group and be willing to provide feedback and rule calls but don't butt in or correct rules unless you are asked.

6) Finally, always try to push towards a positive and encouraging environment that is welcoming to everyone regardless of the player type.


Also, one thing I have learned from working in various stores, and from being a Henchman a few years back - talk to people. Find out what they like and what their play styles are. Engage them instead of waiting for them to come to you, but don't try to hard sell the game. A little conversation goes a long way.

Very useful advice from both of you, thanks. I'm a judge in Magic the Gathering so fortunately this isn't my first rodeo, but your advice is great and I'll be keeping all of it in mind, thanks again. 

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