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Not so Rapid Growth League


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This is going to be an eight week Malifaux league with game days taking place every Thursday at Geek Out Games, in Central, South Carolina.


The point of a Rapid Growth league isn't whether you win or lose games, but rather to have fun and pull off cool hijinks during your games! It's totally possible to get league points for losing with style (or even by getting the stuffing beat out of you)! This promises to be a very fun event!

You start the League by getting a crew box and building a 30 pt crew (or bringing a crew that you already have). Every 2 weeks, the points that you can spend on hiring a crew go up by a little bit, so you can have some time to grow and paint your force. Here's the weekly points for your crews:

Weeks 1-2: 30ss
Weeks 3-4: 35ss
Weeks 5-6: 40ss
Weeks 7-8: 50ss

I'm going to announce the Strategy and Scheme pools for each week in advance, so you can have time to plan your crews accordingly. I'll also be handing out score sheets at the beginning or each new point increase, so you have two weeks to get your game(s) in for scoring!

Entry fee: $10 (and it all goes to prize support!)
Prizes: 1st place, 2nd place, last place, and Best Paint Job.


If you are in the area and want to join up, go to "Geek Out Games Wargaming" on Facebook and join up!

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