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Two questions; Chain Activations and Leveticus



I have two questions I hope someone can answer;


1. Do you need line of sight to the model you want to chain activate to be able to use companion or accomplice or other such abilities?


2. Due to what happens when Leveticus is killed or sacrificed, is it possible to obtain the full 3VP from the Assassinate scheme?


My reading has led me to think the answer is 'No' to both questions but I would like some clarification if possible.


Thanking you kindly

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3 answers to this question

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1. No. It just says within, it does not mention a target (which requires LoS) or mention LoS explicitly.


2. Yes. You would need to kill him while buried as on kill abilities doesn't work for buried models (Dead & Buried pg 47), e.g. the Void Wretch can damage buried models. If he is buried when the game ends you get 2 VP (unless it's a tornament game that ended prematurely, then you can get 3 VP this way as well).

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