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Trying to understand "learning additional spells"


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I'm creating my 1st TTB character. I want to be able to cast spells from Sorcery and Necromancy magia. I've chosen Graverobber as my 1st pursuit because of the gear it gets me: Grimoire, 1 Enchant magia, 1 Necromancy magia, 3 Immuto and Toolkit(Necromancy) I've spent my initial 10 Guild Script on an additional Toolkit(Doctor). I've also put skill points in Doctor, Sorcery and Necromancy (all AVs positive).


Our entire group, including Fate Master, are new to TTB. So my/our question is how/when does my character get the opportunity to learn his 1st Sorcery spell? Do I get to decide which Sorcery spell is learnt? Etc.


We're all excited to try this new RPG, thanks for any and all help,



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Welcome to the system Graham!

The ability to learn new spells, have a cooler spell book, and similar "spell-guy" stuff is really only dependent on how fast or slow you and the Fate Master want this character to progress. You're not limited to " these are the 3rd level spells I picked up"; instead you're limited by "Did I rolEplay enough that the Fate Master will say I can find an ancient tome with that spell I want?" Through the Breach does not use the DND model " you're 4th level, so you should have these 5 things" and instead let's you progress in what makes sense for the story.

Make sense?

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Brewmaster: So, if I wanted Sleep for my Doctor character.  During the session my character was comforting a patient and trying to get them to take bed-rest, or just get extra sleep to help heal.  I could bring this up in the epilogue and try to persuade the FM that finding a copy of some kind of "sleep spell" would have been, and will be, useful and appropriate to my character.


That kind of thing?



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Brewmaster: So, if I wanted Sleep for my Doctor character.  During the session my character was comforting a patient and trying to get them to take bed-rest, or just get extra sleep to help heal.  I could bring this up in the epilogue and try to persuade the FM that finding a copy of some kind of "sleep spell" would have been, and will be, useful and appropriate to my character.


That kind of thing?




The way to go about this would be to perhaps see if you could find a Grimoire that has the Sleep Magia (and generally a second Magia and three Immuto; two Magia and three Immuto is sort of the "standard" for Grimoires).


However, you can only have one "active" Grimoire at a time, so you wouldn't be able to use the Magia and Immuto in your old Grimoire while you were using the ones in your new Grimoire.



However, there are still some options available to you if you want to cast Sorcery and Magia spells at the same time. Firstly, if you want, you can just change around the Magia offered to the Graverobber and take Necromancy and Sorcery instead of Necromancy and Enchanting; it won't break the game or anything like that.


Secondly, as the Graverobber (and Dabbler) advance, they eventually gain the Mastered Magia Talent which adds an additional Maiga to the character's Grimoire, which can be very useful for expanding your character's spell repertoire.


Finally, you could always choose to create a Manifested Power that resembles the Sorcery Magia in question once your character has completed one of their Destiny Steps.




If you have any other questions (about this or anything else), feel free to let us know! Hopefully we can all make your game as much fun as possible. :P

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Graverobber as my 1st pursuit because of the gear it gets me: Grimoire, 1 Enchant magia, 1 Necromancy magia, 3 Immuto and Toolkit(Necromancy) I've spent my initial 10 Guild Script on an additional Toolkit(Doctor). I've also put skill points in Doctor, Sorcery and Necromancy (all AVs positive).

I hate to be That Guy, but your starting equipment (unless your FM changed up the rules, in which case ignore this) should only be the one Grimoire and whatever you can buy with 10 Scrip.  The Necromancy Toolkit would cost 50S, and the Doctor Toolkit would cost 25S, so unfortunately those shouldn't be in your starting backpack.  Though again, if your FM is changing things up, then that's totally cool.


As far as learning new spells, the above two have answered it quite well already.  As it's currently written you'll have to find a new Grimoire with the spells/immuto you want.  Or you can get a Manifest Power.  Or you can get Mastered Magia.  I actually like the proposal for allowing you to replace the Enchanting magia with a Sorcery magia though.  It doesn't even come close to breaking the game, and it lets you get he kit you want.

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Zeeblee: Thanks for pointing out my mistake. Initially I was going to start with the Academic pursuit, with an eye to moving on to Graverobber (Necromancy). Then I thought I could combine both goals by starting as Graverobber (because of the Grimoire etc.), Toolkit (Necromancy) and add an additional Toolkit(Doctor) for 10 Script and have Doctor Skill.


Now I'll go back to Academic with Toolkit(Doctor). Later I'll switch to Graverobber as soon as the FM has allowed my char to find a Grimoire and spend 10 Script to add Toolkit(Necromancy) to my existing toolkit. I think that should work and still be correct as far as starting conditions apply. Also, my FM has agreed with Mason's suggestion to allow my Graverobber to have Sorcery and Nectomancy.


Really looking forward to this new RPG.



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  • 2 weeks later...


Secondly, as the Graverobber (and Dabbler) advance, they eventually gain the Mastered Magia Talent which adds an additional Maiga to the character's Grimoire, which can be very useful for expanding your character's spell repertoire.


Just wanted to check I've not missed an errata. Doesn't the Mastered magia Talent allow you to 'master (learn)' a spell from a grimoire that you remember even without being attuned to the grimoire? I know some FM's have houseruled they let grimoires 'gain' new spells over time but RAW indicate that this isn't how things usually work.


Regarding choices you also need to talk to your FM about being able to learn a Magical School and get access to a grimoire when you are ready to change to the Graverobber pursuit since you won't get to start with either of these items using RAW. Of course usual disclaimer that your FM can wave it through and say you do have one or both for whatever reason. I believe we had a character come through the Breach already knowing a school but just not strong enough to cast magic and not owning a grimoire.




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Just wanted to check I've not missed an errata. Doesn't the Mastered magia Talent allow you to 'master (learn)' a spell from a grimoire that you remember even without being attuned to the grimoire? I know some FM's have houseruled they let grimoires 'gain' new spells over time but RAW indicate that this isn't how things usually work.


I think that we're both saying the same thing different ways. :P


The Mastered Magia Talent allows you to choose a Magia, which the character may then use whenever she casts a spell from a Grimoire. If you don't have a Grimoire, then you can function as if you did with the chosen Magia.

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I just reviewed this recently as well, and RAW both Mastered Magia and Mastered Immuto work as such:


1)  Choose to take the Mastered _____ Talent


2)  Choose a Magia/Immuto in one of your currently accessible grimoires


3)  You may now use the selected Magia/Immuto no matter what grimoire you are attuned to

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