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Malifaux in Western Canada

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Malifaux is alive and well in Edmonton, Alberta, a city best known for the futility of its NHL team... :D We have a group of around 18 players of whom 8-10 regularly show up on a Wednesday night at All Star and our local tournaments usually attract around 12-14 participants. Grande Prairie has a growing Malifaux scene with 3 lads making the trip to Edmonton this past weekend for Malifaux MayHam.


Anyway, just wondering whether there is any Malifaux activity in other parts of the province or in Saskatchewan or B.C.?




PS If you are in the Edmonton area and looking for a demo, just drop down to All Star on a Wednesday. Either our Henchman or one of our regulars would be happy to introduce you to the game.

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Greetings to you.  I'll just be getting back from my holidays but a trip to the coast is always worthwhile. Coupled with a few days of Malifaux sounds like a no brainer and a bloody good idea. I'll see what I can do. I'll hunt down a website for the GT and see what's up.


Good to hear from you. Wonder how many other groups there are out there.



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Well, holy shit - I think I made a bunch of threads about this desperately searching for people in Western Canada a little while ago. When I'm in edmonton I'll drop you a PM.

I'm from all over Sask. There's nothing in s'toon but regina has a small group from what I've been told. I might as well drive to chicago when it comes to meeting up in BC - but I'm definently interested in the Wet Coast GT if I can make it happen.

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