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Wong's Lightning Jump Concussive Force trigger



So Wong's lightning jump has an interesting part of it's action.


Lightning Jump

Target suffers 2/3 :blast  :blast /5 :blast  :blast  :blast  damage. This model flips a card which may not be cheated for every model within :pulse 3 of the target. All models which receive a :crow  suffer 2 damage.
So the pulse action doesn't really say that it happens after the attack succeeds, but I assume that is the intention. On a :mask  though Wong get's the trigger
Concussive Force:
After succeeding, all models damaged by this Action are pushed up to 4" in any direction.

So my question if Wong hit's someone with Lightning Jump can he do the pulse action before the trigger to see if it damages any other models and then push the models hurt by the pulse? 

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The pulse is resolved like any other effect of an action, because it doesn't say otherwise. That means that it is resolved during step 5, before Concussive Force trigger, and thus the damage from pulse counts too. (Fzzzzzap! has a weird timing, but it's far from being the only trigger with one.)

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