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Malifaux Campaign Ideas - Mississauga, ON


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My group will be running a campaign in April with a goal of building the community. As an added twist, I have requested that those signing up try to pick unique Henchman and reserve their Master in advance. Note that I am not banning duplicates as some people may only have one and that wouldn't be fair, but we will laugh and make fun of those people cloning other players' choices.

To the point of the post... I will be adding multiple campaign tracking systems as research to get a feel for what works as official semi-competitive scoring. My question is, what does the overall community feel is the most fun system?

My primary scoring system will be Hideouts. This is really the only one that will count to determine the "winner" but we all win in a community building campaign with no entry fee. Players will be given one bonus Flair for each Bounty they finish to account for tie-breaking.

In addition, I will be tracking Campaign Points and Achievements from the official growth rules. As I mentioned before, this will be mostly informational...but I will point out the achievement of buying the organizer a drink.

We will likely be using the doctor, given the loose restriction on leaders. I will probably throw in the Wandering Relic, as well. Scrip cap will likely stay at the recommended level and I am still unsure about allowing trades. Some fondness for hostages has been suggested if I could fit it in.

Thoughts are welcome....


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