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Hello from Me!


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Hello one and all.


My names is Phil and I've been an avid hobbist for the last couple of years now.


I'm 26 but origianlly started playing 40k when I was around 12 years old. I stopped shortly after due to have a tiny attention span lol.


Since getting back into the hobby I have had several 40k armies as well as a couple of Fantasy armies.


I started my own Youtube channel back in November 2014 and plan on making Malifaux vids very soon once I get my first crew up and running.


I've had my eye on Malifaux for a few months now and after my mate bought some models, I popped to my local Waylands Games and Had my first intro game. My verdict? LOVED it. What a cool and unique system this game has.


I plan on starting a Ten Thunders crew and strarting with The Thunders box set.


Just wanted to say HI. Hi.


Phil a.k.a Purdius


(Going to post this in the Ten Thunders group too)

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