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Justafaux - Gaining Grounds Tournament - Brooklyn, NY


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My first tournament for the year over at Nu Brand Gaming​. This will be a 50SS Event, Single Faction, Gaining ground format. Fully painted miniatures not required but there will be a best painted by judges between Rounds 1 and 2 ( Lunch Break). 
Entry: $20 for non NBG members, $5 for members
Round 0 – Hardcore Kickoff 
Round 1 - Extraction, Standard Deployment
Round 2 - Reckoning, Corner Deployment
Round 3 - Headhunter, Standard Deployment
Rules for Hardcore Kickoff:
Henchman led, 20 SS, 4 models, unspent stones do not go towards cache, no summoning
Strategy: Turf War
Scheme: Assassinate
Nu Brand Gaming
196 31st Street

Brooklyn, NY 11232

(646) 696-4132

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