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Campaign Weekends at Cons


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The Nova Open is having connected story encounters this year, and we're dividing the players into two meta factions that will either attempt to purge the Quarantine zone or defending from the forces of the Governor.  As TO's, we're going to tally the victories each round, and from there, the scenarios played will chosen based on which side is winning. So, as an example, if Law and Order (DUN-DUN!) is winning, round two might be a stake a claim based encounter (as they're trying to gain land), but if at round two Scum and Villainy is winning, it might be a reckoning/head hunting type scenario instead.

Personally, the current campaign beta has got me thinking about the big what-if with these scenarios: Is a weekend long campaign something viable for an American style Big Fun Game Convention? Personally, I think that the Nova Open is too close to Gencon (book 3's probable release date) for an organized campaign event. I'd hesitate to put it on the schedule, because product can slip, and it's smarter to bet on a sure thing. But the idea of getting together, and building a story to run over the weekend, growing (or shrinking!) my crew, and finding out who makes it to the top over a weekend really appeals to me.

Would that interest you all, if we make it part of our Nova Open Malifaux Narrative (say in 2016), IE, starting from the bottom, and clawing your way to the top collecting injuries, relics and mourning Crooligans along the way?



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