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Kaeris summoning question



Can Kaeris use her trigger "born of fire" on a model without the burning condition, while she is being affected by arcane radiance?



- Born of fire trigger says "after killing" but before removing the model. The model must have the burning condition however. 


- Arcane radiance says "models damaged" gain burning after the attack is resolved, unless you discard a card. 


Does arcane radiance kick in when damaging the model, but before killing it, thus gaining the burning condition and fulfilling the requirement for "born of fire"? Or does the "after resolving" aspect of arcane radiance only apply once the model has already taken the damage and subsequently died?


Sorry if this has already been brought up before now. 

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I believe the answer to this is no, similar to how Sonnia cannot summon a stalker if she kills a model that did not have burning on it at the start of the attack, even though she adds burning on an after damaging trigger. (Sonnia's thing was ruled in the most recent FAQ)

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