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Models that sacrifice themselves in Reckoning



I was playing against Izamu in Reckoning, and I ended up reducing him to 0 wounds with a Convict Gunslinger using the 'slinger's pistols as  :melee

At that point A Warrior's Death activated.

A Warrior's Death: When this model is
reduced to 0 Wounds by an enemy :melee  Attack,
this model may immediately take a (1) :melee
Attack Action against the enemy model. This
Attack ignores range and LoS restrictions. After
completing this Action, sacrifice this model. 

We ruled at the time that since the ability called for Izamu's sacrifice, and it was on Izamu's card, that the model would *not* count for reckoning, as the ability that sacrificed it was on the opposing model's card. I think that's pretty ironclad, but I wanted to see if there was something I was missing that makes it not so.


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Reading Reckoning it includes Sacrificed models in the opposing crew, so the sacrificed model would count as one of the two kills in the turn to gain a Victory point.


But it's "A crew earns 1 VP if it killed or sacrificed two or more...."


So Player A attacks Player B's Izamu and reduces him to 0 wounds.

Player B chooses to have Izamu sacrificed himself with an ability on his card.  Therefor Player A did not kill or sacrifice Izamu, so Izamu does not count towards reckoning


The wording for killed/sacrificed is there as there are some models that can sacrifice enemy models(ie: wendigo using devour).  This allows a player sacrificing an enemy model with devour to gain a point in reckoning where if it was just "A crew earns 1VP if it killed two or more enemy models" would cause them not to be able to as kill != sacrifice.

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