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Simple and Opposed Duels


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Hello all.


Been reading up on the rule book to have a read through and checked on both kinds of duels.

But I am left a little confused on some actions that can be performed by some characters. For example, Baby Kade as his Lure action.

I it a simple duel or an opposed Duel? Is it both? If it is both how do you resolve it as it is not explained with in the rule book. 

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Any duel that has an "Rst" is an opposed duel. Any duel without an Rst is a simple duel.

Terrifying (Living) 13 forces Living enemy models to make a TN13 Wp Duel. Since there's no Rst, it's a simple duel. There are also abilities that read like: (Ca <value> / TN: <value>) -> these are simple duels as well.

Lure reads (Ca <value> / Rst: Wp / Rng: <value>) - the Rst means Resisted By, and makes the Action an opposed duel.

All Attack Actions are opposed duels, while most Tactical Actions are or create simple duels.

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That means the following:

Ca <value> this is what you add to the value and suit of the card you flip or cheat. Lure normally has suits in its Ca value as well, which are added to the Final Duel Total along with the suit and value of the card flipped / cheated.

TN <value> is the Duel Total you need to succeed. If you beat your target's Final Dual Total, but don't match or exceed your TN, your Action fails.

Rst <value> is the Statistic that your target resists with. They use this stat to add to their card flipped or cheated.

Rg <value> this is the range you can target a model with this Action in. A :ranged  means Projectile, which is affected by cover and randomization, while :melee mean Close, which has an Engagement Range and can make Disengaging Strikes.

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That seems a bit rude.  People are more than happy to help out with any questions at all that anyone might have but I think a modicum of respect isn't unreasonable to expect! As an aside, I think Docshlock gave a good, clear answer to your question, I don't really understand why you felt the need to respond in what feels like quite an aggressive manner? 

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Sorry, I did not think I was being rude or aggressive.

Just that I asked to clear up something about an action that Baby Kade can do.

I have found, with in the rule book, a simpler explaination to which I understand why in the action line it has a Target Number.

But thank you all.

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