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Starting McCabe - Clarification on activations please


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Played my first two games with McCabe last night.


First game went without a hitch but in the second, we had a couple of questions over the dismount-summon-sctivate-re-activate-sacrafice chain.


So to boil this down into questions:


1) In one turn, can :


A) Mounted McCabe activate and do the following , i) use 3 actions, ii) zero action dismount to summon dismounted McCabeI then...


B) Dismounted McCabe can then subsequently acticate and  iii) use 2 actions (loses one for being summoned) iv) zero action desperate gamble to gain re-activate then...


C) Then can re-activated McCabe v) use 3 actions before being sacraficed


2)  I read on another thread that there are some restrictions on interactions. I can't find these in the book so please can you point me in the right direction to find them


3) How would the restrictions apply to 1A), 1B) or 1C) above?


Thanks. I'm sure this has been asked before but I appreciate your help in getting this right in future.



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Basically In his first form McCabe can Perform 3 Actions, his (0) and Interact as normal. 


Once he Dismounts he ditches the Horse and Dismounted McCabe is Summoned. This causes him to gain Slow due to being summoned further more as the "new" McCabe was summoned he is not able to perform any interact action on the turn he was summoned. This is a restriction on all newly summoned models that on the turn they are summoned they cannot perform interact actions. 


When he then uses Desperate Gamble to re-activate later in the same turn he is still under the summoning restrictions from that turn so he still cannot interact although as he has activated since then he will have lost Slow. If he were to wait a turn before using Desperate Gamble he could then interact as normal. I'm at work at the moment so I can't give you a page reference in the rulebook but I'll have a gander when I get home. 

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